so i think im getting ripped off on ebay. what to do??

a month ago i won thes fuel rail covers on ebay. here is the page:

so anyways, these thing sseem to be perfect condition or atleast they r advertised as close to it. well i hadnt heard from this dude for awhile so i sent a few emails to see what was up. it took him awhile to respond and he said when he took the covers off of the car to ship them to me he noticed that they were scratched from the tower brace (notice how they r already off of the car in the pic). so he said he was just gonna make me a new set. so i dunno seems shady. but that was like 10 days ago he said that, so i emailed him yesterday to see what was up and he replied ‘im waiting on some materials, so it’ll be alittle longer.’ so i dont like all this fuckin around. what should i do, just contact paypal and just tell them to just wire me my money back? i paid for these things on like may14th, the day the auction ended and i havent recieved my shit yet. i think thats too long and something sounds too shady for my liking…advice?

get your money back ASAP

ebay sux0rs

get your money back

drive to Oklahoma City and fuck that nigga up.

how would i go about getting my money back? anyone ever had to do that before?

I think it’s just like a credit card, if services were not rendered you can get your money back and have the credit card company investigate what happenend. I got double charged at a restaurant and got my money back the next day and about 4 weeks later got a letter from the bank informing me what happenend. it’s worth a shot, contact paypal and see what is up.

report to ebay…get $ back and get that idiot banned from ebay

i like to try to give ppl the benefit of the doubt. maybe he isnt being all that shady and really is making me new ones. if so, then i guess thats ok, but the dude has made no effort to tell me what was up or anything and thats what pisses me off. how r u gonna put an item up for sale and then decide u r ‘gonna make new ones’ and not even attempt to get ahold of me??? i shouldve gotten that stuff the following week or if he wanted to make new ones just told me about it. so i dunno if i should wait alittle longer or just go ahead and get the money back now

Get your money back, and if he does make you a set then pay for them if you still want them.

Seems like he needed your money to buy the materials to make em.

I think you only have 30 days to make a claim with Paypal before you’re screwed. Go to your Paypal account and file a claim. You tell them that you never got the item that you paid for and they will contact the seller and make him furnish a tracking number. Since he never sent you anything, they’ll send you your money back. I’ve had this kinda crap happen to me quite often in the past and I’ve only had one problem with Paypal not giving me my money back.

ask for his phone num, and call him. if he is trying to rip you off, i doubt he’d give you his ACTUAL number

ok this happened to me before.u have 30 days from the time the item was paid for to get ur money back.if u wait longer its will void the paypal wont just get refunded either its a 2 week process that they investigate.u will have to send them email conversations that you and the seller had.if they find him at fault they will only refund your money if he has any in his paypal account.if he dont have anything in there ur screwed

well tommorrow im gonna contact paypal then

keep the emails so you have proof and report it to e-bay they have insurance i think my buddy said and you should get your money back i dont know if you will get it all back but something

i vote on this

thats what im gonna do if i dont get my boost controller i bought.but ill be goin to texas

tell paypal you were didnt receive anything yet and you will get your money back