Ebay questions. im getting screwed

i bought an auction on ebay for some Foo Fighters tickets for the concert that’s this saturday in Toronto. i paid for them right after auction close 2 days ago. now he emailed me back today just telling me the seats are side by side and that he’s going to ship the tickets in 30 minutes. so im happy and i wait a while and i get another email from him saying that it would take 6 days to ship from his location (Kitchener, ON) to Lancaster and that he’ll send me a refund tomorrow (tuesday). now in the auction it said he’ll ship overnighted. so im getting confused on everything.

so i email him back and tell him that the auction said that it was going to be overnighted and that i would pay an extra $15 to overnight them. i said that cus i am under the impression he doesnt want to sell them cus the selling price wasnt what he wanted. a couple hours go by and i get a refund notice by PayPal in my email. now im mad at this guy

cant the tickets get emailed from Ticketmaster to me? im about to email him and tell him ill drive to kitchener, ON and pick them up and see what he says.

How shitty is this?? suggestions please. thanks

Nothing you can do about it.

you got your money back… that will be the end of it. do you expect ebay to make him sell them to you?

Leave Neg feedback


i figured since i got my money back im screwed. i just dont see how someone can just refund someone based on this. just sucks

yea i definitely will. will be their 1st one too

well, atleast you got refunded… but yea thats lame

and you can probably bet you will get neg. feedback left for you.

yea i know. i dont care

you got refunded after the auction ended. all you can do is leave negative feedback. nothing else you can do.

the only thing is that since the auction ended, the person lost the listing fees associated with the auction.

Why not just get tix from someone else instead of wasting your time with this guy?

why bother going to a foo fighters concert anyways?

Since if you leave neg for him he’ll do the same, schmooze him and tell him it was a shame but oh well. Ask him to leave feedback. then (hopefully he’ll leave pos) then you leave neg for him.

Wait a minute the Foo Fighters are still around. I thought they were history like MJ’s black. LOL

Send an email to the administrators on ebay discribing your situation.