Ebay question

Does anybody know what the deal is with these motorcycle ads on ebay. what is the scam here? There are a bunch of ads like this. I wouldn’t mind picking up a bike in the next few months, and these are great deal but I am just wondering what the story is behind these.






WTF??? those prices are to good to be true, but they have a buy it now cost so it has to be for real. i’d be contacting the buyer via email. if u do pm me and let me know what’s up. TY, Ronda

If it’s anything like some of the scams I’ve seen for cars, the person attempting the scam will acquire pictures off the web of the car, then post it for sale, and make up all of the info about it. Many times they will go to a for-sale listing site for cars, since those sites contain the important information in selling car… title, VIN, etc.

I mean when you think about it, it would be quite easy to do… thats why I would be very hesitant about any sales via ebay where the seller can remain anonymous.

Also, Taco, if this is going to be your first bike, and you’re looking for something relatively cheap, you might want to look into wrecked bikes that are rebuildable. Many times you can pick these bikes up for a few thousand dollars, repair them for a few hundred and still be under the cost of buying one outright. Not to mention, if it’s your first bike, you’re going to lay it down… or something like that starting out, might as well not do it to a new bike. :cool:

Originally posted by taco
Does anybody know what the deal is with these motorcycle ads on ebay. what is the scam here? There are a bunch of ads like this. I wouldn’t mind picking up a bike in the next few months, and these are great deal but I am just wondering what the story is behind these.






I was under the impression that you were more of a Harley man… :dunno:

And what are you gonna do with one of those anyways, you cant handle that junk Suckzuki MX bike you have now! :tounge:

Originally posted by Craig King

Also, Taco, if this is going to be your first bike, and you’re looking for something relatively cheap, you might want to look into wrecked bikes that are rebuildable. Many times you can pick these bikes up for a few thousand dollars, repair them for a few hundred and still be under the cost of buying one outright. Not to mention, if it’s your first bike, you’re going to lay it down… or something like that starting out, might as well not do it to a new bike. :cool:
buying wrecked bikes is bad ju ju.

You’re calling me a jew now? :dunno:

Originally posted by Craig King
You’re calling me a jew now? :dunno:

your a JAP

Jewish American Prince:tounge:

I like the cruisers and the little jap bikes. I figure I can have a bike to play with for awhile, snyder has that r6 and Crissman wants a bike as soon as someone will give him credit to get one. I also remember a certain suzuki that was faster than a cr 250 with a chubby kid on it. Even when that kid had a works rear tire.

I will probably want to pick up something cheap because I don’t care to have the newest one around I just want something fun to ride and I dont’ want to have to carry full coverage at 300+ a month.

I did search a little bit about the auctions like the ones I posted. It seems that people are hijacking reputable accounts and posting bogus ads.

Originally posted by taco

I did search a little bit about the auctions like the ones I posted. It seems that people are hijacking reputable accounts and posting bogus ads.

:doh: Isn’t that what I just said?

Originally posted by Craig King
if it’s your first bike, you’re going to lay it down… or something like that starting out, might as well not do it to a new bike. :cool:

no way man. he knows how to ride. When you ride motocross, riding on the street is easy as fuck.

Originally posted by Shaggy
your a JAP

Jewish American Prince:tounge:

Now that is just bad… even you have to admit.

Originally posted by taco
I like the cruisers and the little jap bikes. I figure I can have a bike to play with for awhile, snyder has that r6 and Crissman wants a bike as soon as someone will give him credit to get one. I also remember a certain suzuki that was faster than a cr 250 with a chubby kid on it. Even when that kid had a works rear tire.

I remember no such thing. And i would wonder how much longer Snyder is gonna have that R6, given the current situation. As for the daego, he usually does get the things he says he’s gonna get, it just usually takes about 2 1/2 years for it to actually happen.

You can always go riding with Platko. :rofl:

If you guys all get bikes though, that will give me a good excuse to finally get one… :cool:

Originally posted by Craig King
You’re calling me a jew now? :dunno:
no i mean its bad karma. bad practice. bad luck . bad. juju

who knows what will happen with snyder, but crissman was ready to buy one last time I was home. He filled out the credit application and everything at kibuks for a gsxr 750 but they didn’t approve him.

Originally posted by taco
who knows what will happen with snyder, but crissman was ready to buy one last time I was home. He filled out the credit application and everything at kibuks for a gsxr 750 but they didn’t approve him.

hahaha thats funny. They are probably still pissed about us going over there when we were all like 14-16 and climbing all over all the bikes/quads


heh, guess they were a scam, all 5 of those links are dead.

man, fuck ebay…i personally wouldnt buy anything that you didnt ride/ start-up / check out before buying. You get what you pay for.

Originally posted by 1320
man, fuck ebay…i personally wouldnt buy anything that you didnt ride/ start-up / check out before buying. You get what you pay for.

Perfectly said:)