eclipse turbo installation

aww sperm is mad :wink:

your comments are cute, but keep it up i get a kick out of how you try to amuse yourself. more for me to laugh at you for

I actually amuse my self…most of the forum…oroc…

People who love the truth :slight_smile:


You’re 420a sucks…It will be slow…You will be poor…

dude if i drop $100000 in the car my pockets will still be full and urs will be empty…

just caus eur poor and dont have the cash to shell dont take it out on me like a lil bitch or ur goin to get ur ass beat

I am Poor? You’re building up a base model eclipse with a 420a…Obviously you could only afford the base model…

Sorry I have a running car…and you are running on hopes and dreams…

Wow this thread sucks lol

A)this is the dumbest thing anyone has ever said on here
B)if you have 100000 to spend on a car what the shit are you doing with that car.

hahahahaha…when you cant win with know-how, and cant prove people wrong then try to fight everyone

x2 lol

lol again

So what does the rich eclipse owner do for a living?

Besides make poor investments

leave him alone, we need at least one car in WNY for my Mustang friends to beat on :smiley:

haha he cant have a job because he would value that money too much to spend it on a car like that

Well I’m done with this dumb ass thread… It started out as me trying to give someone assistance who was looking for information and help on building up a car he was looking into…Then the bashing and fighting started now its a talk about money… It doesnt matter where i get my money or what investments i want to make isnt the point of all this to have fun and build what you like how bout everyone keeps there retarded ass opinions to themselves and we end this dumb ass talking on this old ass thread…Point is im building a car that i wanted to build just because its not any of your taste in cars doesnt mean you have the right to tell me what to do you can make suggestions… and if anyone wants to settle this bullshit face-face let me know peace bitches


bye bye collin

There’s the bullshit I was waiting for to give me a legit reason to end this crap. If you really want to talk about turbo 420A’s start a new thread about that specifically and keep it mature and on topic.

turbo~mitsu, threats aren’t allowed.