Edinburgh 2012

For the open classes…yesterdy I won the 1st event…2nd in the 2nd event. Ernie won the 2nd event. Today I won 1st in both events and took FTD in event 2.
Should of been FTD in both events today because run 1 in the 1st even was supposed to be dismissed because we had to change the track configuration. The remaining 5 runs were the only runs that were supposed to count towards the standings. After the change I ran the fastest overall including the vette classes in both events. They still gave the FTD in event 1 to one of the vettes for his run that should of been tossed.
So overall I won 3 out of 4 events…and 2nd in 1 event…and FTD today.

cool shit man you deff know that track and that s2000 does great there. to bad ernie won one

My buddy Wes (with the grey S2000) was there yesterday and just texted me “They had to put a fucking slalom in the back straight because the goddamn vettes on r-compounds were ripping the pavement off the earth.” haha

yea a few of the vettes were fast man i was suprised

Well he should of beat me all day…his car is waaay faster and on r-comps. I only have springs and bald ass street tires.

Ya…at first everyone else drove around the part that was broken up…but every vette hit it dead on every lap. So we had to put in a slalom to slow the cars down so we could atleast finish out the day.

Here’s one of my favorite pics of the weekend…

that would be blown up on my living room wall

great shot.

it sucks i coulnt make it !! does it look like sept is still on ?

Hopefully. The Trivette’s are voting yay or nay on June 12th pending the cost of paving the track and how much our group can raise/donate.

can you keep us posted? thx

Sure will.

Why is it too bad? Why are you hating that I have a good car that’s set up somewhat well for this type of thing AND I proved once again that I know how to drive it around the track? Answer that. Please. I would like to know.

Or are you just saying that cuz I’m Ern and its cool to hate me?

We were very competitive the first day. My overall fastest time (1:14.398) was faster than Jeremiah’s overall fastest time (1:14.577), but that only fell within one event. The other event I didn’t have a quick enough time to beat him with.
The second day was a totally different animal. We both were able to make a run before the slalom was instated and Jeremiah’s run was fastest yet (1:13.3xx I believe?) and I hit a 1:15.105. If we had the straightaway all day, there is a chance I would have dipped into the 1:13’s but 1:13.3 is fast. No question about it.

I definitely learned a new driving experience on the Rcomps. They were amazing. Not only could I take corners faster and the turn-in was more responsive, but the braking distances were cut wayyyy down. With the Hawk pads & Powerslots, I experimented each lap with pushing the car later and later at the three braking points on the track. I definitely know there is room for improvement. I hope to get Works springs and the Whiteline RCK and an aggressive autocross alignment thats still good for my street tires and we will see what happens in the fall.

Since we all pitched in setting up, and also with the 6-7 of us who hung around after cleanup to see how we could help ensure the fall event, the club agreed to hold the fall event which they believe is September 15th (Miah correct me if I’m misquoting)

If anyone knows of any QUALITY paving establishments that would be willing to travel to Edinburg to issue a quote to repair the damaged portion of the track, please let Jeremiah know. He took charge of helping get a quote or three so we can get the best job for the least money without having the same issue again in a year or two.

no ern it was just a joke calm down there bud.

If Jeremiah was driving the evo and Ernie was driving the s2k, Jeremiah would have massacred him.

Ernie seriously needs r-comps and 300+hp on his technologically advanced evo x to keep up with a s2000 with springs? :rofl:rofl

“115 with gtr on streets, chewed them up pretty badly 118 with z, I did a 117.3 with z on a fun run but caught a cone which cost me two sec resulting in a 119.3 grr”

Some dude from the nisky lot group bragging about his times… :lol

thats george that deathbyrt was reffering to. i look like we pussy footed around.the track
i was expecting more from the gtr

1:15 is a fast time…He did really good in the GTR…Better than I thought he would…

Who needs skill when you can just buy more parts?

Exactly. lol

Slower than an evo and s2k…?

S2K’s are like gokarts and have minimal roll as it is. Evo’s shine more in time attack type of events. My car kisses the damn pavement. If I can get it to stay flat (springs and kit) then my times will increase. Plus S2000’s are a bit lighter…My car weighs over 3600 then throw my 180lb ass in it.

Heavy car, kinda bulky for that track…