*EDITED*WTB: another cheap feild car/truck/suv

i want something i can rollover time and time again, i will build an exo cage on the sucka. help a guy out, lemme know what ya got =)


half parted 97 cavalier sedan lol


I have a 95 dodge spirit that doesn’t start, 200 bones :slight_smile: its probably a fuel filter or pump, i just hate the car and dont want to fix it.

All i request is that I get to go and watch you set it on fire

pm’s sent

93 civic i think? 450 bucks…has a nice stereo in it :slight_smile:

didnt you just do this with another car? lol


didnt you just do this with another car? lol


yes i did. i need to kill as many as possible. lol nah, i like fuckign around with em.