anyone got any auto books?
List of what you need plz
The book for intro to philosophy is the only book I still need d00ds. Some one find that shit.
Textbook purchasing for cheap and/or broke college students made easy.
Books for auto 140, 145, and English comp 101
Edit: its for fuel systems, chassis 1, and the English one…
just found out Im going to be able to graduate with a double minor… pretty pumped about that
Well… you need 18 credits to complete a minor. I have all my credits for my major, anthropology, and for my first minor, history. So I just looked up how many credits il have for sociology and saw that Il have exactly 18, therefore I can double minor. Just something nice to put on my resume.
Nice dude!
Nice man.
I have the 4th edition books for 140 (website says 5th, so check to make sure the 4th books are ok.) I just sold the 145 book, and I might have the comp 1 books. Let me know.
Williams lot is beat today. I guess it’s too cold for the majority of stunters.
Saw a giant today. I’m 6’3 and she was significantly taller than me, I would have to say around 6’7 or 6’8, 250lbs easssy
Pics or it didn’t happen.
You can’t just go around yelling bigfoot you know.
:rofl… don’t have a camera phone bro
Who the hell doesn’t have a camera phone?
I’m a college student again…scary. ~3 semesters and ill have a degree
First day of student-teaching wasn’t too bad. teaching kidz about economics was sort of fun. today’s lesson was about entrepreneurship and three kinds of business in the US. I also brought up Keynes vs Hayek via “their” epic rap battle.
You could also mention VTEC.
I just had my first economics class at SCCC… FML…
My professor, who I can not understand at all, is a guy named Papa Gueye.
He clearly stated he loves socialism.