Edumacation 2011

Thanks for the cliffs, oh stunterly one.


fordumb ftl

I cant wait for Fordum/NYC this weekend!!

Ha, idk. Compared to RIT, I’d say it was pretty nice. Complete opposite of what Ilya is saying. Classes way less strict. Class size was about the same for most classes for me 20-30, some upper levels even smaller. The only huge classes are the general education bullshits. The physics department blew RIT’s away. Math departments were about the same, possibly even better at UA for upper level (300-500).

siena college is pretty sweet but requires ALOT OF WORK. something i didnt do at hvcc

I’m taking a 400 level ethics class. Fma

yah… try taking a 499 anthropology seminar, shit BLOWSSSS

Haha I believe it. This is a 450 ethics in crj class. Should be interesting.

Hopefully wel both get onto Schenectady police so we can dual with glocks in the academy

Haha would be epic. When they putting out the results? Not that I’m expecting a job. Be nice to know how I did tho

Not sure… tried to look it up but was unsuccessful

I’m in IT. Maybe that’s why.

And strictness depends on the teachers, not the curriculum obviously.

Yea the one ITish class I took, ICSI201. Basically intro to Java, was really big.

You guys ever make random signs on notebook paper in class? Today we were doing this exercise on variable vs fixed costs, so on notebook paper I wrote FIXED in giant ass letters and held it up when the next problem came up. My teacher laughs and then she goes “I’ve never seen anybody do that before.”

Idk, I get bored quick. ha

No. lol.

Will start. Sounds like a good time for my philosophy class.

Haha do it.

There are hotties in every single one of my classes this semester. I’m extremely content, even though 3/5 are 3 hour long lectures. :facepalm

I have hotties in western civ. The rest of my classes… would smash…

but nev4r tell.



I have a couple of chicks in both of my classes…but my evening class last semester was LOADED. It was a 300 person class though.

LOL. Just blasted the fart machine during toilet paper inventory talk. Hahahh