EFI Tuning Course JUNE 6 & 7 >> EFI University & PUR Auto


Due to scheduling conflicts with Greg Banish, we have decided to switch to another course. It will still be hosted at our facility and will now be taught by a qualified instructor from EFI University.

The Course Fee is USD$445 if paid before May 8. **ALL payments are handled by EFI University. PUR has zero involvement with fees.

You save a ton of money by not having to dish out for airfare or hotels. To our knowledge this is the first time something like this is being offered in the GTA . Do not miss out.

TO REGISTER: click here

The class will be held over two days.

The dates are:
JUNE 6 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
JUNE 7 - 9:00am to 12:30pm

Location is at:

PUR Automotive
4-2250 Markham Rd



Fundamentals of High Performance Engine Tuning
Using Aftermarket Electronic Fuel Injection

EFI 101 consists of a total of 1½ days and focuses mainly on classroom discussions followed by an actual live tuning demonstration on a dynomometer.

This class begins with a general overview of the basic functions and theory involved in controlling an engine using electronic fuel injection.

In depth discussions about each sensor and actuator used, and their functions are held throughout the session with emphasis on interaction between students and instructors to ensure that everyone understands each concept before progressing to the next.

Once the entire EFI system and its components have been discussed, the class moves into discussions on the basic concepts of how the engine operates and the methods used to actually tune the calibration.

Specific attention is paid to understanding how the process of computing the correct engine control is accomplished and the common methods of progression through the tuning process from beginning to end.

After a brief discussion on construction practices used in building a custom EFI system which includes wiring tips and fuel system sizing to match the engine requirements, a live demonstration of tuning will be provided by the instructor to really bring home the concepts discussed in the classroom environment.

MORE DETAILS: click here


TO REGISTER: click here

EFIU is a much better choice… I’ve done several of their courses and they have allbeen worth the time.

dan were those the courses where we had to take a family size vaseline?

If yes, they were amazing. Worth every penny and minute.

i was thinking of building a custom efi for my toyota. this course sounds great and the time line is perfect.

is this for sure gonna happen or are you just gauging interest? what is the maximum class size?
are we aloud to record the lecture for further reference? audio of course.


Recording won’t really be needed tosh. You get a textbook included in the price of the course as well and the instructor pretty much just walks you through the textbook…so you’ll have everything.

If this is like any university lecture I’ve been too… just buy the textbook and teach yourself. Reiteration by professors is upsetting for the money you pay.

is there any prerequisites required before taking a course like this one?

Horrible advice.


prof’s provide more advice and insight then the book can alone

No prerequisites. It would help if you have a basic understanding of engine components and maybe the 4-stroke combustion cycle… but even that’s not totally necessary.

Asking questions, getting answers, and seeing a real live tune EXPLAINED in front of your eyes > textbook

Are you for real, if you don’t understand more than just the 4-stroke cycle, you are wasting your money. Most guys here don’t know how to properly tune a SAF-C let alone a standalone system.

IF you are a curious person that has some money to throw down, then by all means i say go for it, but if you think you are going to come out of this course knowing how to tune, then i suggest you think again.

I think anyone who is reasonably competent can learn and understand how to tune from a course such as this.

If people can teach themselves in a matter of a few weeks how to do basic tuning then a day or so with a very knowledgeable instructor that KNOWS how to teach and does live demo’s will be MORE then enough to get someone on the right path to being a competent tuner.

Coles notes:

ODM get your head out of your ass, tuning isn’t a black art that not anyone can learn.

No one is claiming you will come out of this course as god’s own efi tuner.

It’s an introduction.

Mike, if i take this course, can i be God’s EFI tuner?

Did you learn how to tune PROPERLY in 1.5days? i would be very curious to find that out, because if you did than you are my hero.

Have yourself a wonderful day.

Ps. You are my hero.

I learned the basic theory in a very short time, if its explained properly its quite simple to be honest.

This course will give you all the INFORMATION you need to feel confident enough for some hands on experience which will turn into tuning KNOWLEDGE and yes, after that you will most likely be able to decently tune something like an AEM or PFC.

I just don’t like seeing people try to scare guys away from trying to learn how to tune.

Its the experience that takes time to acquire not the information.

This is probably one of the best INTRO courses someone interested in tuning could take in North America.

After this course,

Could someone tune a 1500whp twin turbo meth drag motor with cam’s to lumpy they remind you of rosie odonalds stomach… probably not

Could they pop an AEM or PFC into a stockish SR and tweak the tune for there application and self learn more from there… Defiantly YES

The positions already been filled Bing, sorry.


What happened to all the interested peoples? Sign ups are lookin pretty weak right now.

Hate to say it, but the course will have to be cancelled if more people don’t sign up before May 1st.