ej257's time attack build.

That’s exactly what I wanted to know. Nice.

nooo problem :confused

What happened?


Oh. I read noooooooo problem as “NOOOO PROBLEM”. lol. It was late.

Was going to post in your for sale thread, but posting here is WAY more on topic

you keep saying your built motor cost 9K. I’m not familiar with how much the subaru parts cost, but I don’t see 9K in your list “AR FAB built ej257 - carrillo rods, cp pistons, stock crank, acl race bearings”. How is it 9K?

cause it isn’t 9k. he’s a liar…exaggerator…call it what you will.

well I knew that, but I was trying to be nice about it… :crackup

If it gets heated, I’ll split it, and throw it into Battlefield and let it get heated there.

Let’s not make this personal by calling somebody a liar :nono I’m sure he’s got something to say about it.

Watch the personal attacks everyone :nod

purchasing a brand new oem subaru shortblock $2200…, having block disassembled, slight bore cleanup for 100mm cp pistons, purchasing $575 cp pistons, 1k$ carillo rods, $500 for bearings, motor assembly was around 5800 then add $550 for gaskets, fluids, oil pump and the labor to R & R the engine (yes dodgeworld charged me) $800… 9k was a little over the top… closer to 7400 after all shipping and taxes were paid… if you add in the header which was purchased as part of repairs after we found the oem uppipe cracked in half, add another $600 so we’d be at or around 8k$…dont forget the $710 i paid to have this motor run properly… 8700 or so… damn near 9k

A 3/S 3.7L stroker motor goes for less. Hell, that’s near Supra 3.4L+ stroker motor range. You got ass raped.

O my dear sweet ass rape.

full ams stroker evo motors are only like 3.5k max w/ everything…i doubt you paid more than an ams stroker motor…if you did…sucker


Who did the work?

apparently dodgeworld? i nono :confused

the shortblock was assembled at AR fab in virginia… the heads and rest of motor assembly was done at dodgeworld… the completed SHORTBLOCK was around 5800

I am not sure what to say. You got it balls deep though.

add 2 grand for a core charge on top of that 3500 for AMS… i didnt have a good core… plus add for gaskets add for oil pump… etc etc etc

hence why i say 9k… for the car to run properly from when it went to be repaired… it took about 9k

That’s just not true. Stock block would have been fine and cost a ton less.