electic or gas oven?

do i want an electric or a gas oven.

i going with a gas cook top, but which is the better oven?

Meh, not that I have strong feelings either way, but I vote electric. The smooth glass top on my electric is easy to clean. No shit falling down into the burners. Nobody’s ever died from an electricity leak. Then again, nobody’s ever died from touching gas…

Gas all around. Usually more efficent and heats up alot quicker. I’ve lived with both and always prefered gas.

gas…i went form electric to gas from my apt to house…gas is the way to go

I don’t even have a gas line in my house. :slight_smile: Oil furnace, gas dryer, oven, and water heater.

Yea gas is the way to go

it heats up faster, is generally more efficient, you can control the temperature easier, have a longer life and cooks better

hrm. i always thought that the electic was supposed to have a better thermo.
i like the idea of electric because convection > *
gas is cheaper, but the 10 dollars a month isnt going to make or brake me

i also didnt know that the gas ones had a longer “life”. i guess thats pretty important.

some of the posts seem to address the cooktop, the cook top and oven are going to be seperate. i already decided on gas there, its only the oven i am concerned with.

anyone else prefer one over the other for any specific reason?


gas, because you can use it if the power goes off… call me

Unless you are buy this for $2000.

For example:

I would use a GAS range. Food cooks in my opinion fast & easier.

do you ever broil stuff?

i prefer gas too.

same here

electric is a PITA sometimes… especially using the stove top

read my post. i am buying seprate units. the oven will be a wall unit, and have nothing to do with the cook top.

There’s a reason most restaurants use gas.

I miss my old gas stove, Electric blows

there is a lot of info that goes against what some people are thinking.

i want opinions and facts, not crap

My future-step-father-in-law’s oven is the pimp shit. Among other things, it has a thermocouple that feeds back into the oven and shuts the oven down when the meat is done. :tup:

I belive he’s got this bad-boy right here:
Not a bad way to spend double what my last car cost…

oh, my bad… I misread it

in that case, honestly… I have no complaints with the actual oven for gas or electric. The only thing I could see being not quite as good would be the broiler… then again, my electric is mad old so who knows.

I’d still prefer gas I think, but if you’re doing gas on top/electric stove… then I’d say go for it
