Election 2012

If you don’t register for a party you can’t vote in that party’s primary in NY, just so you know. Your voting card this year is for local elections only, which is why it says general.

I will be voting and raising money for Mitt Romney again, just like 2008. Mitt is, aside from John Huntsman, above and beyond the best candidate the GOP has. If the party is at all serious about winning the White House they will coalesce early-on around Mitt. Perry/Cain/Bachman/Santorum would be a waste of time, and as much as I love Newt and would love to see him debate the President (the man is a genius and could run circles around Obama) I just don’t think he could get the job done next year. Mitt is the perfect blend of executive and private-sector experience, and with the focus off of the war and onto economics, who has a better resume?