Electrical Question?

So there is something really wrong/interesting with my car and I can’t seem to figure it out. I’ve been trying to look at it for a while but just doesnt work.

Okay soo if it is very confusing and you guys cant understand ill just take a video and post it (might be easier to understand)

The problem consists of the components (left turn blinker/directional, regular night beams, and odoometer)

When the lights are not on (daylight out)

  1. I turn on left blinker
  2. Blinker blinks normally
  3. As blinker blinks, the odometer blinks on and off (numbers go away and back away and back

When the lights are on (night time)

  1. Left directional is CONSTANTLY on (not blinking just always on) (even if the lever is NOT down to signal left turn)
  2. The left blinker does not work due to the fact that the light is constantly on
  3. When looking at the dash you can see the left arrow constantly lit not blinking.

This occurs when the lights are on. The regular beams not high beams etc.

Any ideas on maybe wires crossed etc? I cant seem to find it.

Which car? Mustang?

I’ve had this happen on my Probe when I had some bunk bulbs in the directionals. I’d check the bulbs and sockets for corrosion and see if that helps. Even though the bulbs might be working, I’d maybe swap them out anyway.

Also, could be something wrong in the cluster itself.

It has to be something with the wires to the left turn signal, front or rear… There are 3 wires going to the bulb, one is like a low beam that is always on when the headlights are on, the other is the “high” that is the one that makes it blink, and the third being a ground. On my car anyways. Easy thing is to make sure you have the right bulb in there first. Like mixing up an 1157 with an 1156 will do that shit.

Ill check both of these possibilities out tomorrow when there isnt 6 inches of snow on the car lol.

Thanks guys. Ill give it a shot and post an update

car have an alarm??

I wouldn’t be surprised if those atrocious looking wheels you have on there are pulling their own magnetic force field, thus interfering with your electronics.

Bulbs first! I had a similar situation years ago with my Z26 except when i stepped on the brakes the left blinker wouldnt work it would just be on not blinking… That was a wiring issue though… Try the bulbs and post a update

bulbs will do it , but a bad directional relay can cause it .

Ground wire(s) are another thing to check, poor grounding will cause all sorts of ridiculous problems.

I’ve been busy for past few days. Will go check for a new bulb tomorrow and pick one up and see if thats the thing. I quickly looked at the wires and they seem fine so I am hoping its the bulb lol.


Did this just start happening all of a sudden or did it happen after some other repair?

It started to happen after a repair but it isnt consistent 100% of the time. It comes and goes but mainly same problem about 80% of the time.

In any case, I checked cables, and put in a new bulb and didnt solve the problem.

I think I will take it to my mechanic over Thanksgiving break and see what he can do.

Thanks guys.