so my car is pissing me off …my battery keeps dieing and my car keep shutting off well im driving …i have changed the alt,changed the 75a alt fuse,changed the battery …and to drive my car for 10 mintues i will have to boost it like 4 times …is it my battery still ?
is the battery relocated to the trunk? if so you need to check your grounding spot. my buddy had a similar issue and that was his problem.
no still under the hood
have a multi meter?
if you wish to solve your own electrical issues I suggest it…
voltage of disconnected battery?
voltage at terminals when running?
is your ground/power cables clean and secure to the the alt.?
check wiring from the altinator to the fuse box in front sounds like ur altinator isnt charging , check if ur getting 14v when the car is started.
Start the car, take a terminal off the battery while it’s running. If it dies you alternator isn’t charging which is what I suspect.
That’s the best place to start, post up when you have a result.