
I’m looking for an electrician to troubleshoot an issue at my house. This morning, 1/2 of the house lost power while the other 1/2 was fine. No tripped breakers or anything simple like that. After a while, everything went back to normal. It’s flickered a couple times in the past, but it never shut off like this. My house is ~50 years old, but I think the panels are <10 years old.

Who are the “go-to guys” in the South Hills?

I don’t know the go-to-guys for the South Hills, but have a couple North Hills guys I like to use. But you should try to get someone out there fast. We had an issue at a house not to long ago that started very similar the end problem was a problem with the nuetral, and since the tenants didn’t tell us about the problem until it was too late they lost everything that was plugged in. TV, Fridge, xbox, microwave, oven, Furnace … everything plugged in!

If you don’t find a South Hills guy, shoot me a pm and I’ll send you my guys most likely to travel South (who also found this problem)

PM member nitroice40, he’s an electrician. I will not list the company name however due to site rules.

I would consider him the go to guy. HIGHLY recommended.

Quik is an electrician

I’ve sent them both PM’s earlier. I saw their names a few times in past threads.

I hope one of them has the time to look at this soon. Don’t want to ruin anything or turn my house into a pile of ashes.

Your meter socket is bad. You are loosing a leg.

Where are you located?


Go outside and press on your meter if you hear “welding” its the socket. You gotta get it replaced and have it inspected.

Can take a look at it for you. Give me a call 412 9693440


The one leg coming from the street was in pretty bad shape. Jeff (nitroice40) took care of it right away.

I use Peter’s Electric. They are located right near Washington Junction in BP. They’ve done a lot of good work for me.