I have tools you may not have. I did use the VZW IP but that was where it last originated.
The original OP didn’t give me all of the headers, so I can’t verify. That address was ONE of the locations that SOMEONE used. I’m assuming it was him since I’m relying on DCHP leasing.
I doubt that every time he logs in he gets a new IP unless VZW doesn’t use DHCP lease times. His equipment will get the same IP for a while until that lease expires (usually 30 days.) I am assuming that is the case and the location I found is probably his house/street/etc.
So the address I found could very well be just a 66 year old man which connects to the same VZW DHCP server. I found all of his personal information in public record. There are no kids living at that address either. LOL
Oh well. OP needs to do some more social engineering to see what else he can get out of the guy/girl.