Eminem vs Mariah carey

…I’m sorry, but what makes you the professor of rhymes?

“Most of America doesnt have a clue what should be listened to”

…well, what SHOULD be listened to? No one has the right to dictate what anyone should listen to. If “most of america” wants to listen to mainstream music, thats fine. Because unfortunately for you, what someone may like depends on their personal taste, not what you think they should listen to.

i thought both were pretty funny…i think both are witty and creative. it’s not about who’s a better rapper or artist, listen to the funny shit that they pop off with, and the funny thing is, is that they’re tryna get back at eachother, and they’re making millions in the process…think about it

BINGO. They are smart, thats for sure. I personally like Eminem for those simple reasons, he is creative, witty and is allways up to something… that what keeps his products “new” and exciting.

Agreed… regardless of how commercialised you think eminem may be, hes a good rapper, while some of his shit may be goofy the fact of the matter is hes one witty little fuck… he spits out some good lyrics, and like kkk said a lot of his shit you wont hear because its not mainstream… go onto limwire or whatever and listen to tracks you probably havent heard of…

Also who are you to dictate what should be listend to? Yea you have douchebags who listen to whatever because its the hot song/artist of the moment but some of us liek what we like well because we acctualy like it.

I listen to everything from death metal to classical orchestra shit… why because well i dotn give a fuck what everyone thinks… ill blast some stupid shit in my car if i like it i dont care who looks at me funny…

Ill still blast and rap out to ems old shit when he was way younger and sounded like a 13 year old…

I for the most part cant stand mainstream shit because i dont give a fuck about how many ways new “rap artist” and i use the term rap artist loosely can rhyme about cars and money… because it sthe same old shit now adays with most artists and its fuckin retarted… regardless of weather or not you like eminem hes always spitting out somethign differant

my point was people don’t listen to certain music because it’s good; they listen because they are told it’s good by producers, the media, record companies etc. the music industry is all about trying to make as much money as possible, and if any person or group fits a profile for them to exploit, believe me they will exploit that person’s shitty “talent” and force morons to listen to it and they would rake in the money.

that’s why award shows are bs and really most of the commericialized music is garbage. most americans are once again sheep to everything.

damn u guys need to relax if u dont like it why u postin up in HERE HUH *****???

  • 1 how is he possibly serious… em is terrible ?oh ok lets see you try it !!!

em being a commercial tool… wow LOL thats a new one

anyways i think em is kinda lame for constantly dissing mariah all the time, her obessed track was kinda lame but its obviously getting a hell of rotation !! so thats $$$ in her pocket…

BUT you cant deny the skills em got and he tore her ass out with that last diss track its insane… good skills for sure, too bad hes a commercial tool LOL

…All of this is based off your opinion.

Have you ever once stopped to think that most americans might not give a rats ass what music is what? If they hear something that they like, they’ll listen to it. Thats not a difficult concept to grasp.

The music industry will push what they think will make them money. There IS a reason why you hear what you hear on the radio… its because people like whats being played.

Its that simple. If everyone had your mindset, no one would watch television, everyone would hate sports and no one would drive cars… because thats what MAINSTREAM people do. Holy shit, big fucking deal. But I guess if no one watched tv, everyone hated sports and people walked everywhere, then everyone would like tv, love sports and drive their cars everywhere, because the mainstream wasn’t doing it.

Get over it. its the same reason why some people hate iphones, or prefer alienware over dell.

And you act like people listen to music wanting to punch themselves in the face over hearing whats being played because theyre told to do so due to mass media…

My gf listens to shitty fucking music that makes me want to destroy her ovaries with a barbwired baseball bat. She cant play an instrument and thinks hardcore music is just a bunch of screaming and has no idea what kind of musical talent is involved… but guess what? She LIKES what she hears… its THAT simple.

most prefer alienware becasue they like spending 3 times the money on something they could have built better on their own.

and, alienware is a dell BTW.

Well alienware used to be its own company and while owned by dell still stays seperate from the company in some aspects…

As for laptops id rock an alienware or falcon northwest…

but in terms of desktops… well if your stupid enough to pay ridiculous ammounts of money for a system you can build yourself for half the price then more power to ya

haven’t listened to the em diss track nor did I even catch on to the lyrics in Obsessed pointing to Eminem. But I’m an old man so gimme a break.

Here’s my $0.02 for anyone who cares:

  • Eminem is wasting his time, come on- Mariah? Not exactly an artist capable of verbal murder. Boner potential yes, lyrical comebacks… Er, no. (And by boner potential, I meant MC not MM ok smarta$$e$!!)

  • So what if his disses “destroy” her… Again, like blowing the doors off a stock Civic DX- fun for awhile then you realize you’re going against easy pickins

  • Mariah wins out in a sense because no matter what she’ll get $$ out of it. Pretty good for someone who has been in the R&B thing for almost 20 years… Wow.

  • Nick Cannon is a lucky SOB

I’m audi…

in a sense your right, and wrong…

everyone that hears mariah’s song obsessed, and knows its about Eminem, know’s in a sense that he will come back at her…because its what he was born to do. So, while Mariah is dissing eminem, making money, guess what? Eminem is making just as much money because the crowd listening to mariah is now listening back to what eminem has to say.

also, doesnt eminem have more money then mariah anyways? selling 77+ million records, producing his own movie, creating his own radio show (shady 45) clothing line, finding and creating 50 cent (which is to date the wealthiest black man in the world), Busta rhymes, Cashis, all of d12 all under the shady record label??

Uhhh wasn’t looking to prove anything but I guess I hit a nerve… Haha

First- double check the YNY… “you’re” not “your”

Second - of course Eminem will come back strong, that’s a given. No argument there.

The part where I know you are wrong though… Net worth. Yeah Eminem has a ton of $. But Mariah has been doing this for like almost 20 years as I said. She’s got to be worth more. Not that I care, but you bring it up.

Go look it up, I’m sure you’ll see Mariah is worth more than your boy

Another thing- Eminem did not “find and create” Curtis Jackson. 50 owes one person for helping him to write hooks, structure songs, and basically make records.

That person was not Dre nor Eminem, it was Jam Master Jay. (RIP J.M.J.)

(If you know who this guy is I’ll buy you dinner… $hit…)

Eminem did sign him for $1M in '02, but by '03 50 already created his own label (G Unit Records) so whatever royalties / etc were established for the initial $1M deal (which is peanuts actually relatively speaking), that income probably didn’t last long for Eminem…

im always a big fan of eminem its nice to see his songs having meaning again lol they started geting a little crazy

i agree with alot of what u said, but em made/makes will make tons and tons and tons of money because of 50, and thats totally fine

and JMJ , alot of people know him so ur gonna buy mad people dinner LOL

i found out that talking abot hip hop / rap with most of you guys is like talking about cars with my mom, its so useless

Dude I know YOU know about Run DMC and all that… $hit. Playa like you probably recorded with them back in the day… As a 3 year old.

But I was referring to the OP, I was willing to bet he didn’t know.

Will Eminem go on to make as much/more than Mariah, maybe/probably. Just wanted to point out he doesn’t have as much at this time. (As you can see, this thread means a lot to me LOL).

The video was self explanatory in itself that it was towards Eminem… I found it funny as hell actually.
As for Em’s diss on Nick Cannon, my question is why? It’s not like he did or said anything worth fighting words…

Money maker for both sides, that’s all this is about… All about the Benjamin’s Baby

i find it rather comical that there is a battle rap between a half black diva and a fully white rapper. wow, what is this world comming to?

Same reason he bags on homos, jessica simpson, christopher reeves… cracka just dont give a FUUUUUUCK.

:rofl very true

it’s because he is being a bitch and cant bag on people that would beat the shit out of him…he goes after people that cant “defend” themselves…

pretty :retardclap