Employers ask job seekers for Facebook passwords

Much like me here! LOL

I bet I seem like a tool on shift at times, but everyone who comes to my shop and asks for service is treated with the same respect i would give someone if I was never ever online at all.

If people think poorly about me and my business based on my rants, novel writing, dumb topics and idealistic views on things, and dont choose to bring their work to me… no skin off by back. I find its alot easier to deal with realists that can read a book than judge a cover. Those are the customers I want to deal with.

Its the same way I would approach an interview hiring or asking for a position.

I facebook stalked my interviewers prior to my last job interview :smiley:

preemptive strike MOFOCKAS!


I am pretty sure it is against the law to ask someones age in a job interview. but yeah i guess there are ways of discovering it anyway

i’ll gladly give you the keys to my facebook if i can have the keys to your house in exchange. i’m sure neither of us have anything to hide, but lets have a look see shall we?

guess its not really illegal but a good idea to avoid asking if you want to avoid potential discrimination law suites

Illegal Job Interview Questions

Illegal interview questions, while not illegal in the strictest sense of the word, have so much potential to make your company liable in a discrimination law suit, that they might as well be illegal. These include any interview questions that are related to a candidate’s:

  • Age
  • Race, ethnicity, or color
  • Gender or sex
  • Country of national origin or birth place
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Marital or family status or pregnancy

Fuck Facebook, people take that STUPID fucking website more seriously than anything else these days. Fat slobs

yes, fuck facebook and fuck cell phones while were at it. is there a woman under 30 that isn’t completely sucked into her phone?

< is reading this and does most of posts from his phone :ninja

I know what you hide in your basement closet. I wouldnt want anyone else to know about it if I were you. :ninja

Actually…I’m pretty sure its in the Facebook ToS that you can’t give your password out…making it illegal.

Facebook and do a search for ‘password’

Also, if an employer asks for my FB info, the interview is over, I don’t want the job. Need to drug test me? Fine. Want character references? Awesome. Want to do a credit check? Go ahead. Full on FBI background check? Do it. Want the keys to accessing my personal life? Fuck off, its called ‘personal life’ for a reason, it is none of your business.


What can’t they learn from the means they had prior to Facebook (listed above) compared to what they can learn now? I’d venture to say not a whole lot more.

Or are we saying that people have been blindly getting hired and now Facebook allows managers a way to ‘see’ (so to speak) and their hiring decisions are now more accurate. I doubt they are. KrazyKid hit on the head. There are people who are a complete mess outside of work who are the perfect worker in the office and vise versus.

It’s BS and like JP said, people making Facebook out to be a bigger tool/useful feature than it really is.

I think this is happening to people looking for certain types of jobs. Jobs that maybe have a lot of plausible candidates. This is a way to weed some people out.

What if you don’t have Facebook? You don’t get hired because you’re either lying or out of touch with society? Ugh.

In my industry the only thing the employers are looking for are your skills. I you have what they need; you’re in. Most times you get a call from a company asking if you want to go work for them. It’s like baseball… Everyone’s a free agent. :wink:

If you’re going to quote my post, at least read the parts before deleting them from the quote. Facebook ToS was mentioned.

Giving out your Facebook information to other parties is against your agreement but it’s not illegal. Facebook can’t get you arrested for giving your mom or wife your login info, they can just deny service.

If going against ToS was a legal issue I’d have a field day with some forum members. :ponder

I’ll admit, I read the first part and hit ‘reply’. Doesn’t change my point at all. It is against ToS, and it means the interview is over; at least with me. If you require Facebook credentials in order to hire me I don’t want to work for you. Work behavior stays at work, personal behavior stays personal.

Any competent company understands that. Any company that doesn’t, don’t deserve my skill set.

New twist.

Job pays $500,000 a year

And go!

no no no no woody. I said MY facebook, THEIR house keys. LOL

Money aint everything. I’m a do what it takes kinda dude, so i’d make some fake shit. FUCK YOU, PAY ME.

While its not making 500k a year, ive turned down 3 jobs ive been offered over the past 2 years because I’d rather enjoy where I work and go home happy then be fucking miserable working for a place that seems like a buncha communist fucks or just not doing exactly what I want. Of course the recent one I wanted I dident get… FML :frowning:

This. I have been offered considerably more twice as well. I didn’t take it because:

  1. I could tell the interviewing manager was going to blow as far as working for them
  2. My boss is one of the best bosses you could ever have. As long as you do the work by the end of the day or deadline…doesn’t give a CRAP what you do otherwise. If she looks good, you are good to go.
  3. I work 10 minutes from home. All other places are at least 25+ one way.