Employers ask job seekers for Facebook passwords

So thankful i install floors and will never have to work for a corporation or any other bullshit company that cares about what i do with my free time haha

Wayne hides the coolest shit in his basement.

actually the government should not , does not have to do SHIT about this.

most people wouldnt give their passwords out, but most people are fucking pussies and if they had two balls they would refuse to give their information out during an interview, and employers would stop asking.

going to make a fake account is a gay thing to do and honestly if you are going that far to circle around the issue its just lame IMO

you should straight up tell them what’s up and that’s all.

don’t give your passwords out to anyone no matter what because they are probably gonna fuck you

I haven’t had a Facebook page in over a year and I love it! I highly recommend it.

With that being said If I did have a page I would not be giving out my account details to my employer. If my employer would like to view my page Im perfectly fine with that since I have nothing to hide but giving out my secure information to someone else is like the first lesson from “Don’t Do this on the Internet 101.”

Also if you’re working a job that pays $500K I doubt you’d have time to maintain a Facebook page unless you use it for marketing.

These people being public (the CEO’s) are likely the best type of candidate to have to hand over their login information as insurance to make sure the company can do damage control in case things go awry.

Plus this from Forbes

NASCAR drivers are all about tweeting now. Social media can hardly be ignored.

All of you say that a $500,000 job would be shitty and you wouldn’t take it. You’re missing the point of the devils advocate argument.

Let’s try this again. Company would pay you $100,000 a year more to do the same job you’re doing now, or even better as long as you handed over your login information.

I hardly doubt many of you hold your login and account that dearly. :ponder

I think you’ll see people create a second or a dummy profile for this reason. Personally if I was in this situation I would just delete my account.

What are you trying to prove exactly? CEOs for a large company aren’t exactly hired off of the street and they aren’t asking for your login info so that they can file it away to use it whenever they want. It’s so they can view your profile if it’s set to private as they wouldn’t otherwise have access to it.

As far as the extra 100K a year to do the same exact same job the better question is what would people NOT do to get that kind of raise. I’m sure allowing access to their FB profile is only one of a very long list of items people would concede to. Though either way it’s a totally hypothetical situation that adds nothing to the discussion.

As to whether or not it is illegal to break FB’s ToS, the DoJ says it is, but they aren’t coming after you for it: http://www.theverge.com/2011/11/15/2564768/DOJ-ruling-Computer-Fraud-Abuse-Act

Good news is there is already a bill in progress to disallow employers from asking for this kind of information: http://www.theverge.com/2012/3/23/2896100/senator-blumenthal-facebook-login-privacy-bill

Mine’s gone as soon as i get a new cell. there’s no reason for me to have a facebook other then to contact people.

If that law passes, I’m gonna have some fun with ToS for Shift that nobody read or follows anyway :rofl

if you just said “i don’t have a facebook” what are they gonna do. that’s all i would say

They’ll know before you get to the interview whether or not you have a Facebook, Twitter, etc.

What they will do is thank you for your time and ask you to leave. :rofl

not with a fake name, and secondary email address. they wouldnt have a clue.

:rofl :rofl :rofl rep if i can.

again, like I said on page 1… dont put your ugly face on the profile pic and/or dont have an uncommon name like Igloo Tarzan Unclefucker Sr. and I highly doubt they can find your profile.

Even if they clicked on my profile and spun the monitor around I would say, nope thats not me sorry.

Heard today on the radio that FB lawyers are warning employers to not ask for passwords or lawsuits will follow.

Nice haha.

LOL if/when they win lawsuits, some money goes to the guy the employer interviewed.

“Yea, I bought this brand new Ferrari, a house, a boat, a motorcycle, and my wife’s fake tits! All because X company wanted my FB password!”

I am against giving up your FB password for job application, I believe not only it violates your privacy rights but more importantly, essentially violate all the privacy rights of all you FB friends who shares their personal stories, pictures and private messages.

A simple way around it for companys is simply post their job application via FB and have all applicant friend the company first before they can submit their application via FB.

Well the bill to make it regulated and illegal failed :pop