Employers ask job seekers for Facebook passwords

Get use to it, this is pretty much going to be a trend unless may be the “intrusion” government do something about it to “limit” the “freedom” of large co-operations to tell you to man up all your social media passwords for their lulz.

May be it is time to set up a dummy facebook account fill with with pictures of Jesus, kittens, rainbows and have all known charity group on earth liked, in case this happens on your job interview…:rofl

Originally published Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 12:32 PM

Employers ask job seekers for Facebook passwords

When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job, he expected the usual questions about experience and references. So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else: his Facebook username and password.

Associated Press

When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job, he expected the usual questions about experience and references. So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else: his Facebook username and password.

Bassett, a New York City statistician, had just finished answering a few character questions when the interviewer turned to her computer to search for his Facebook page. But she couldn’t see his private profile. She turned back and asked him to hand over his login information.

Bassett refused and withdrew his application, saying he didn’t want to work for a company that would seek such personal information. But as the job market steadily improves, other job candidates are confronting the same question from prospective employers, and some of them cannot afford to say no.

In their efforts to vet applicants, some companies and government agencies are going beyond merely glancing at a person’s social networking profiles and instead asking to log in as the user to have a look around.

“It’s akin to requiring someone’s house keys,” said Orin Kerr, a George Washington University law professor and former federal prosecutor who calls it “an egregious privacy violation.”

Questions have been raised about the legality of the practice, which is also the focus of proposed legislation in Illinois and Maryland that would forbid public agencies from asking for access to social networks.

Since the rise of social networking, it has become common for managers to review publically available Facebook profiles, Twitter accounts and other sites to learn more about job candidates. But many users, especially on Facebook, have their profiles set to private, making them available only to selected people or certain networks.

Companies that don’t ask for passwords have taken other steps - such as asking applicants to friend human resource managers or to log in to a company computer during an interview. Once employed, some workers have been required to sign non-disparagement agreements that ban them from talking negatively about an employer on social media.

Asking for a candidate’s password is more prevalent among public agencies, especially those seeking to fill law enforcement positions such as police officers or 911 dispatchers.

Back in 2010, Robert Collins was returning to his job as a correctional officer at the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services after taking a leave following his mother’s death. During a reinstatement interview, he was asked for his login and password, purportedly so the agency could check for any gang affiliations. He was stunned by the request but complied.

“I needed my job to feed my family. I had to,” he recalled.

After the ACLU complained about the practice, the agency amended its policy, asking instead for job applicants to log in during interviews.

“To me, that’s still invasive. I can appreciate the desire to learn more about the applicant, but it’s still a violation of people’s personal privacy,” said Collins, whose case inspired Maryland’s legislation.

Until last year, the city of Bozeman, Mont., had a long-standing policy of asking job applicants for passwords to their email addresses, social-networking websites and other online accounts.

And since 2006, the McLean County, Ill., sheriff’s office has been one of several Illinois sheriff’s departments that ask applicants to sign into social media sites to be screened.

Chief Deputy Rusty Thomas defended the practice, saying applicants have a right to refuse. But no one has ever done so. Thomas said that “speaks well of the people we have apply.”

When asked what sort of material would jeopardize job prospects, Thomas said “it depends on the situation” but could include “inappropriate pictures or relationships with people who are underage, illegal behavior.”

In Spotsylvania County, Va., the sheriff’s department asks applicants to friend background investigators for jobs at the 911 dispatch center and for law enforcement positions.

“In the past, we’ve talked to friends and neighbors, but a lot of times we found that applicants interact more through social media sites than they do with real friends,” said Capt. Mike Harvey. “Their virtual friends will know more about them than a person living 30 yards away from them.”

Harvey said investigators look for any “derogatory” behavior that could damage the agency’s reputation.

E. Chandlee Bryan, a career coach and co-author of the book “The Twitter Job Search Guide,” said job seekers should always be aware of what’s on their social media sites and assume someone is going to look at it.

Bryan said she is troubled by companies asking for logins, but she feels it’s not a violation if an employer asks to see a Facebook profile through a friend request. And she’s not troubled by non-disparagement agreements.

“I think that when you work for a company, they are essentially supporting you in exchange for your work. I think if you’re dissatisfied, you should go to them and not on a social media site,” she said.

More companies are also using third-party applications to scour Facebook profiles, Bryan said. One app called BeKnown can sometimes access personal profiles, short of wall messages, if a job seeker allows it.

Sears is one of the companies using apps. An applicant has the option of logging into the Sears job site through Facebook by allowing a third-party application to draw information from the profile, such as friend lists.

Sears Holdings Inc. spokeswoman Kim Freely said using a Facebook profile to apply allows Sears to be updated on the applicant’s work history.

The company assumes “that people keep their social profiles updated to the minute, which allows us to consider them for other jobs in the future or for ones that they may not realize are available currently,” she said.

Facebook declined to comment except for issuing a brief statement declaring that the site forbids “anyone from soliciting the login information or accessing an account belonging to someone else.”

Giving out Facebook login information also violates the social network’s terms of service. But those terms have questionable legal weight, and experts say the legality of asking for such information remains murky.

The Department of Justice regards it as a federal crime to enter a social networking site in violation of the terms of service, but during recent congressional testimony, the agency said such violations would not be prosecuted.

Lori Andrews, a law professor at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law specializing in Internet privacy, is concerned about the pressure placed on applicants, even if they voluntarily provide access to social sites.

“Volunteering is coercion if you need a job,” Andrews said.

Twitter did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

In New York, Bassett considered himself lucky that he was able to turn down the consulting gig at a lobbying firm.

“I think asking for account login credentials is regressive,” he said. “If you need to put food on the table for your three kids, you can’t afford to stand up for your belief.”

McFarland reported from Springfield, Ill.

source: ap

fuck that. If anything Id suspend mine until I got a job.

Nobody gets my personal info like a password on a job application.

Use a fake name with a secondary email address.

Want to see my profile? Send me a friend request. But telling me to hand over my password is certainly not the way to do things.

This. A background check and a drug test should be sufficient. It has been for decades.

If I ever get asked that, I’m promptly calling the interview quits at that exact moment. I’m a f’in professional with nearly a decade of experience. The audacity to even ask that would piss me off.

I go into each interview with one frame of mind. They need me more than I need them, so they better impress the crap out of me in order to get me to change jobs. Asking me for something like that, will do the complete opposite. Not because I have anything to hide. It’s just inappropriate to ask of a professional.

You want to know about the person…how about asking some questions about their hobbies, lifestyle, interests, etc. When I got interviewed for my current job, I had 3 interviews about that stuff before they finally hired me. And I’ve been there for years now and have made a huge impact on their business as well improved my career marketability greatly.

You guys realize that it’s nothing illegal right? They can ask you to do anything, you are VOLUNTEERING to apply to that job. Don’t like their rules then don’t apply.

Granted this is extreme and many ways of beating this. Not having a profile or even given them a password and then changing it right after for one, but it’s not less crazy than credit checks and background.

Only border line illegal thing is them being able to find information that is otherwise illegal to ask directly - marital status, religion etc that you may have listed on Facebook.

On the other hand, it’s against FB’s terms of agreement to give out your login information to ANYONE.

Lots of views and opinions on this matter.

Thank you but I think most of the people who have posted have Atleast that much common sense to know that. I also don’t think employers are posting in the job listing to give out your Facebook log in information.

I don’t disagree with employers searching for people on Facebook. People will post all sorts of stupid stuff and this is an excellent way to get a better idea of what type of person they may actually be. A past employer of mine used to have me look up potential candidates in order to filter people out of the pool.

I’d let them look, I have nothing to hide.

checking on people profiles that are public is fine in my opinion, but asking for the user ID and passwords is inappropriate in my opinion. If somebody has their accounts on a private setting then the employer has no reason to look into them.

I’ll play devils advocate.

Your private life is all good and all until it interfiers or effects your work.

If your private life had no effect to what kind of candidate you were than yeah this is ridiculous.

But since we all know and had examples where private life directly effected your work and your productivity its fair game to find out as much about you as a candidate as possible and this is no worse than making you take a drug test as that affects you, your credit score in certain companies, interview questions etc. They want the best candidate who’s applying to work for them.

For all we know they won’t even check your account and it’s a dummy test. If you have nothing to hide many will give their accounts. (yes I know that many that have nothing to hide will object to this as well, but those with a “sketchy” account definitely will object.

No one said it was illegal in here

While I am all for employers looking up candidates, asking someone for their email address and password is just ridiculous. Most people from personal experience share the same password with their facebook as they do with the email thats used to login to facebook. The ammount of privacy invasion that can occur from handing over this information is just insane. Not only that you’re not just giving someone the ability to look at your wall or posts, they can go through you’re messages, photos everything, that is a huge privacy violation in my opinion.

The simple and easy way to do this would simply have a prerequisite when you apply that says something along the lines of “We do thorough background checks to ensure the integrity of the employees working for us and representing our company, we ask that if it is not already, please make your social networking profiles public or be prepared to login to your profile for us so that we may better screen candidates and speed up the process”

Sure may cause a lot of people to say fuck this and not even bother, but chances are those people would have said no anyways.

Stupid people post stupid shit all the time. Just look at Failvis. HAHAH. It takes all of 10 clicks to search a name, find their usernames for online crap, and start putting 2 and 2 together.

Simply be smarter than the people trying to snoop you out. Dont put a mug shot of you on your profile pic, and dont make it public. When they ask for it say, I dont have one sorry. They cant prove you are lying right there so fuck um.

I will give my account, but not my password and username. Like Dread said…you wanna see it? Send a request.

And dummy test or not, I dunno know about you guys, but I test my interviewer as much as they test me. And if they asked me for my PASSWORD, they fail my test. I don’t want someone who is going to micro manage and follow my personal life outside of the office. Their only concern is whether or not I perform at work. If I go to bed at 4am but still produce at work…or if I smoke weed at home but still perform during business hours…what difference is it to them? If I don’t perform at work, simply fire me. What I do at home is none of your business.

My personal life is just that. My personal life.

If they do a background check, they will know your work history, etc. and be able to extrapolate from that whether you are worth it or not. It’s not rocket science. They are making it a bigger deal to know everything that it really is.

So will I.

I can tell MANY people I have worked with are far from the ideal “candidate” for jobs they do DAMN WELL, when viewed upon in their personal life outside work. Right now, looking around my pod at the state, knowing most of them outside of work too some are drug addicts, social pot smokers, heavy drinkers, complete assholes in public, etc…yet they have been employed here for 5-10+ years, doing their work and doing it well. They turn off their lives for 8 hours a day and go to work. Unless you got to know them outside work, you would never know. Hell I know someone here that makes 100K+, has been here for 10+ years, and smokes weed like a HOSS and I am rather sure he and his wife are swingers! LOL Dude shows up in a suit every day and you would never know it. On the flip side, I see the failures that are on the road to nowhere in a career path that are straight saints outside of work… People I worked with that look 100% normal outside work, yet are 100% clueless when it comes to doing the work… making you think how the hell they even had this job in the first place

When I was in college, we had many older students there with certs, degrees, and all this “perfect resume” stuff… yet they were un-employed. Short term jobs on and off. And that got us thinking. If you could pad, or stretch the truth on your resume, and be an awesome interviewee… I bet you could land jobs you have no real idea how to complete… Get in and work them for a month, collect your money and wait to get fired. Then try again. Make it like a study to see how fucked up the interviewing process really is.

Irrelevant but I work for the state too. We’ve got a guy now who’s down in FL doing his second stint in rehab in a year for alcoholism. He sucks at his job too haha.

This is basically what I am getting at. I work with a couple of people who have had EXTENSIVE histories of drug abuse yet worked just fine.

Judging someone based on their facebook is retarded. Why not do a Q/A with them during the interview about their life, then make the call.

Chances are if you’re applying for a job it is because it has something to offer you that your current job, if any, does not. If them snooping around on my Facebook gets me closer to a potential job that offers more than what I have at the time does, I’ll do it. I have nothing to hide.

Here’s my only gripe: They will find out information that is illegal for them to ask during an interview or on a resume. Marital status, age, etc. it’s all protected information. While on an interview they’d e able to see me, and about my age, looks can still be deceptive as far as guessing age goes.

how is age illegal to find,ask,get for an interview?

You provide your SSN for the background check… birthdate is right at the top of those reports.

I agree with the reason you are looking for the job… but the last person I want to be working for is someone that feels they need to know why there is a picture of me chugging a beer at a family bbq with my father for lulz…

Work to live, dont live to work. Plenty of fish in the sea for employment opportunities.

Your Facebook can say a lot about your character and then how you portray yourself in an interview. I don’t blame employers one bit for seeking out social networks people belong to.

One would also argue the opposite, and I did. Facebook can make a saint at work look like a tool IRL, and a douchebag at work look like mr. perfect on their profile. Hence if I were conducting the interview I wouldn’t waste my time looking on facebook for my employees becasue the results can and will be skewed.

Not to mention I can see some discriminatory ramifications if someone didnt get a job then low and behold they found out it was becasue of some off topic shit on their facebook profile that had nothing to do with the job in question.