A little off topic, but with all the drama people like to start online that translate to real life impacts… I think facebook is one of the least things to worry about for people with an active online presence every day.
Take that Burshchi kid that we caught that broke into my car and got charged with 3 felony’s over it. Not only did we catch him OVER FACEBOOK, but I plastered his name with what happened after he was sentenced. A simple google search and 20 minutes time would uncover that. Anyone following the Nisky lot, will noticed the little hint I gave him when he asked DeathBy for a job… lol.
The internet is a powerful tool to ruin someones life when they make piss ass decisions in life and more times than not dig themselves deeper the more they post about it online.
Its like the internetz version of the darwin awards… the dumb bastards that fail at life online, usually blow themselves out of the water all on their own.
Next time you go on a job interview, google search yourself first and delete what you can! lol FB passwords at that point would be the least of your worries!