Thank you Howie
Ok… How am I being immature about anything?
Have you ever seen me in a Religion thread before, I don’t think I have ever been in one.
All I am saying, if you Religous people feel so strong about it being right, take an argument like a man and argue. (I stay out of these)
And why would I make fun of inter-racial marriages? You cannot help love? How was that anyway what I was saying. Or like religion.
You have your beliefs beacause:
A. You read into it, liked it, believed it.
B. Your parents/family got you into it and thats how you live you life. You don’t think about other possibilities.
And I once beleive in religion. I don’t think I do anymore. So again.
I think the car statement holds true. Shall we not bash people for think a Kia Rio is the best car and the only car people should buy? It may be what they beleive, were taught, were brain-washed into. Should we not talk to them and open their eyes?
I’m not bashing anyone. Show me where I did and then call me imature and cold hearted.
Man you people get so butt-hurt.
that wasnt meant @ you. just how some members act in general.
My bad then.
I made up my mind today, last time I enter a thread like this.
The hilarious part of this is people who bash scientology then cry when people bash their religion of choice. Guess what, you’re all believing in an invisible un-provable power. What makes your invisible un-provable power any better than anyone else’s? At least being an atheist I can say their all full of it without being a hypocrite.
If you want to believe in some higher power, cool. I can guarantee you this much though. You will not find it through any organized religion because they’re all full of politics.
Religion should not e discussed on these forums IMO. There are few mature people here who can handle it. The majority cannot.
Am I the only one who comes here for cars and doesn’t give a shit about anything else? :gotme:
i believe in WNY Race Scene where import fags and domestic hicks get along and put religion and politics aside to race on da streetz…ive heard tales, but hardly seen proof it exists :shrugs:
yes. This is for OT
people who refuse to accept what is infront of their face do not deserve respect. When someone tells me scientific dating methods are BS and they don’t believe them, they’ve lost any shot at being respected. The refusal to believe math isn’t a difference in beliefs that should be respected.
I normally dont get involved in any religious threads. I really don’t care if some people beleive in god or whatever. If people want to discuss their beleifs then let them, as long as it doesnt get out of control.
Personally I really dont care what happend thousands of years ago. and i’m happy with just dying, being buried and thats it. yea it’d be nice if there was some nice after life, but i’m not about to devote my life to it.
meh. i dont care. josh (from hybrid) will always be jewbaca to me, or jew beard the pirate.
i really wish he would wear an eye patch.
keep it friendly, and its all good… cross over the line and we will give the other member a big stick, and tell them where you live.
:lol: I really enjoy the irony of dumbass being spelled wrong.
It doesn’t matter if it’s religion vs science or bacon vs sausage, the problem is that some people think that their way of thinking is the only way of thinking and don’t respect others who disagree. :tdown:
Evolution and a planet that is hundreds of millions of years old FTW!!
(Let’s see how long it takes to have that stir more shit up… )
on that note. sientologists are correct in letting their bodys heal naturally,
If you get sick dont take medicine, if you die it wasnt meant to be, if you live your stronger for it.
<—Darwin was the man. “its evolution baby!”
religion its the opiate for the masses. Its not about helping people, its strictly about making money.
It’s more about a way of life.
explain to me how money has anything to do with someone who believes in god and doesn’t go to church.
werd… I guess some people just dont get “it”
i believe he was refering to organized religion.
the church is a serious cash cow. i thought about starting my own religion just for the tax breaks.
(i am completely serious)