Ending prejudicial threads.

rob you just don’t get it, joe’s point is this

as WHACKED out as Scientology is, SO IS CHRISTIANITY

Made from a RIB?

boat with all the animals?

parting of a sea?

dead, then back to life

god in the sky? devil in hell? horned man with red face?

all of these things seem normal to us, but are WAYYY the fuck out there if you think about it logically

no, as opposed the power of omoxacillin.

as compared to the healing powers of my junk

I think its a good idea. Don’t understand why we really need any of that on here. Esp since it divides people and creates groups. We have enough of that on here already and don’t need any more BS. It’s a matter of maturity, some people need to grow up.

I’m sure religion will come up in threads here and there, which will happen, but starting a thread about it is bound to lead to problems. Truth be told, people aren’t mature enough to discuss their differences without writing someone off for what they believe.

Good idea Tom:tup:…you Athiest:lol:


the thing i don’t like about religion is that people are so dumass.


extremist are the ones that scare me, but whatever. It’s not your life…if we were all the same, things would be really boring.

LMFAO…this coming from somebody who believes that all life on this planet, all millions upon millions of different spiecies, some so complex we canot even fathom how they truly work…come from single celled organisms that were braught about by a spark. Shall I define the word Hypocrite for you?

atoms, electricity, science > *.fairytales

and yes please define hypocrite for me…seriously

here, let me do it for you

Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have beliefs, virtues and feelings that one does not truly possess.

yeah don’t really see how that fits into what you’re saying…please explain

But again, I don’t really have a problem with people who think that the creation of life was the work of a “god”…I do have a problem with people who think the earth is 6000 years old…because seriously, you can’t back that up with ANYTHING.

cmon joe… didnt you know… Dinosaurs and Humans walked the earth together… Didn’t the flintstones teach you ANYTHING?! gawd!

I :heart: the st00pid people

If anything religion should be one of the things made fun of.

You are born into a race, sex.

You are not born into a religion, but brainwashed into one. If you are exposed to factual evidence and still buy into this shit you should be made fun of.

well said.

please Joe…since you know so much about me and what I personaly believe…find where I said I think the earth is 6k years old. I said I believe in creation, I never said I dont disagree with anything written in the bible. Though I dont believe in eveolution, I do however believe the earth is older than 6k years…bot the billions of years as proclaimed by science…but older than 6K.

I won’t read this.


You cannot help being a certain race, or gender, or sexual preference, ect…

Religion is different. Yeah people are brainwashed into by relatives, but you can change your mind.

This thread is like saying don’t bash a person who thinks their Rio is mad fast and luxurious. Because thats what they were taught as a child and beleive to do this day.

EDIT_ I see a few posts above mine this was stated. I guess I should have read page two. Oh well.

Christianity was invented as a means to control people, as were most religions. Before we had huge governments and massive police forces the powers that be needed a way to keep the riotous hordes under control. What better than an all seeing, all knowing entity that will judge you upon your death, and if judged poorly sending you to be tortured forever and ever. Write a book with some stories and rules, tell the hordes the book is his rules, and get them to believe it.

In reality, we do the same thing, just much less evil, with children. Santa is watching you. He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake. So be good you little bastards or you’re not getting shit for Christmas. Sure, it’s not burning and torture forever and ever, but not getting any toys on Christmas is a pretty big deal for a kid.

so a black woman and a white man get hitched, is hating on them ok? Their not born into it… its ok then

whatever, people believe what they believe… but being that immature/cold hearted about it shows alot about charactor. So you disagree with them… leave it @ that and dont ridicule them for it.

I agree with the origional post… and stealth, what good does it do for the community? nothing… just creates clicks and alot of bad blood

I’m rather religious.

I choose to be that way - and to make fun of it is to make fun of someone prefering to drive a honda over a ford. It will happen, and you can’t do much to change their mind.

Fact or fiction, not everything about my religion I agree with, that I can settle with.

Instead of get caught up with threads/posts where like some made here and on many other forums, I choose to leave myself out of it.

You can do. It’s kinda like the “if you think this thread is stupid, why even bother posting in it?”

Just ignore it.

Just FYI, moved back to site suggestion, because that’s what this thread is.

I can’t believe that know one see’s my point. Newman, Joe seriously you need to grow up and learn some respect or no one will respect you. I know I don’t, and I’m pretty sure we believe in a lot of the same things.

And why the fuck was this moved?