Engagement Ring for sale.

Keep the ring and give it back to her. Or, sell it and buy one for half the price and give that to her and spend the profits on hookers and blow.

Have fun, St Maarten is the shit.

x2, just got back from there last month

VS1 means very slightly included. u cant see shit, unless under a microscope. even then when he tried to show me, i couldnt see shit.

all these C’s were told to me by 2 separate gemologists from 2 very very reputable jewlers.

Very Slightly Included category (VS) diamonds have minor inclusions that are difficult to somewhat easy for a trained grader to see when viewed under 10x magnification.[2] The VS category is divided into two grades; VS1 denotes a higher clarity grade than VS2. Typically the inclusions in VS diamonds are invisible without magnification, however infrequently some VS2 inclusions may still be visible to the eye. An example would be on a large emerald cut diamond which has a small inclusion under the corner of the table.[1]


Check out Roman Jewelers on Western, guy pays high prices for gold/silver. Might be worth a look. Craigs/Ebay as well

did CL already and got nothing but spam. went to 3 jewlers and they offer shit. im talking less than 3k. she needs some money for a car so we will not take that u know. not for a 1.62+ carrot diammond.

but ill check this dood out. thanks bud

I would have twomodifiedforu look at it

waiting on his call bra.

trade for lifetime supply of axe body spray and condoms*

*condoms may also be substituted for vaginal sponges or spermicidal lube.


Well one member already offered 4000 so you would have to beat that


meeting with numba later to chat.

def not a VS1. i was lied to by the two jewlers i went to. why they would lie to me i have no idea but they did. ugh!


She didn’t get any certification with the Ring?

no when her EX bought it, im guessing he didnt look at shit other than the size.


double :facepalm

i just went throught the whole process of picking out diamonds and custom making a ring.

size is honestly the least important thing about a diamond PERIOD! color and clarity are such a big deal, if you don’t have them then your going to be in some big trouble

^Same, certification is huge as well.