Engagement Ring for sale.

Ok nothing I fishy here. I don’t know what to tell u about these jewlers.

I also personally think it’s not an I1 or and I at all. SI2 I’d say. I’m having it appraised this weekend so all the know it alls can e shut up. Fact of the matter is the stone is worth about 3500-4500 to the public and I know a jeweler could get a lot more for this stone no matter what anyone here says.

oooooo After a few days of thinking… I came up with a conclusion that fits EVERYONE’s scenario.


Jeweler 1 said VS it was
Jeweler 2 said VS it was
Jeweler 3 said it was VS. And it was… And jeweler 3 was a crook and stole deadbeats stone and replace it with a less quality one.

Numba1scrapper investigated and it was not VS :smiley: This story explains it all.I blame jeweler #3 :smiley:

why would jewelers say it’s higher quaility when it isn’t?

I’m sorry I’m not sure I really care about your opinion. So hop in that sweet mustang and drive yourself out of my thread. Kthnxbai

What are you, 13?

That’s what I was wondering, what motive did they have to lie?



yea its no issue man, i dont have any hard feelings for u not wanting it. u have to buy what u know u can make money on u know. its whatever.

CP isnt a hike at all but yea ill def check it out.

Drew Sanders has been in the business for 30+ years. She is located on Western. I’m sure she wouldn’t have any issue taking a quick look at it. I recommend her to everyone. Her work is top notch.

Not sure if that was a compliment or a diss?

Cant say jewelers havent tried to me either. They think that because they are sometimes covered by glass that they can just do anything they want behind it (they think glass is not see through) Idiots :smiley:

Close. Birth Certificate says 14… IQ says I am 12 :frowning:

Numba1scrapper knows all fella’s. I forgot pawn shop owners were gods gift to hummanity


bump for cleanup

Who the fuck is love4boost?

Its numba1scrapper duh


white plains?

Thread has been cleaned up,let’s keep it that way, please

Good luck E-man, I was in the same boat when we sold trishas ring, too bad her now ex husband was a fucking cheapass.

I would ask her if she remembers where he got it from, and maybe they went to have it inspected etc etc? that way you could trace back to get the sales receipt and/or certification

+1 to eric… I may need a radiant cut diamond on a pave setting band shortly :):slight_smile:

thanks bud