Engagement Ring for sale.

No you will need to do a microtest shortly

You get the 700whp discount!

sold the ring for $4500 last night. :thumbup

good for you man. nice work. go buy something nice. lol


so vette gonna be fast now?

nope. :frowning:

this is fake boob money for the gf. :slight_smile:

does she really need em?

does anyone really NEED them? come on dood. :facepalm

haha no… but thats not what im saying

Using this money for fake boobs? What a waste!!

to you maybe, but who are u to talk? u have huge knockers!

I saw a pic of her! She doesn’t need them! Are you for them or could care less? Makes me wonder why she feels the need to get them, she is pretty as she is now.

i dont care. i dont need them but i support the reason why she needs them. she has wanted boobs since she hit puberty, just never got them and has felt that much less of a women without them.

its like a man with a tiny dick. he buys a Porsche or ferrari to compensate because there isnt really such a thing as buying a larger cock. but that doesnt change the fact that he feels like less of a man.

see u wont ever understand because u have them.



Just have her think it over. I’ve heard so many horror stories of petite girls getting implants and not being able to breath correctly after getting them. Their frames are just not built to have DD’s.

I do understand actually, bigger boobs is not always better. Clothes are harder to find, it brings a lot more attention to yourself and not always for the right reasons, can cause back and neck problems especially on a tiny frame like hers. Just take in all of these aspects before committing to a procedure like that…it’s not just Yay Big Boobies! There can be downfalls and if she’s always felt insecure about herself, this may not even solve it and maybe therapy would be a better (and cheaper) option.

I’m not saying don’t ever get implants, but just take in everything that hs to go along with it before changing your body. Or just have her watch a couple episode of true life about getting implants. Pretty helpful.

if u drink too much water u can die, but whats your point?

she wants them, we know the responsibilites etc etc.

o and btw shes 5’9, so shes far from little.

This isn’t drinking water…it’s a surgical procedure LOL.

I’ve just seen way to many girls rush into it and not be happy with the results/expected more from it. Hopefully she’ll be happy :slight_smile:

