how is wanting them for over 15 years rushing into it?
Jeeze! Don’t roid rage out! I’m sorry I didn’t realize she had made this decision 15 years ago. Was just trying to be helpful as it is a big choice to make. I also said that I hoped she was happy with the outcome so stop!
How long were you waiting before you bought that vette? :retardclap
i like boobs
i just went throught the whole process of picking out diamonds and custom making a ring.
size is honestly the least important thing about a diamond PERIOD! color and clarity are such a big deal, if you don’t have them then your going to be in some big trouble
lol, thats so wrong its not even funny. I can get a 1 ct G vs2 for a couple thousand, the same color and quality diamond in a 4 ct would be like $30,000… If size didnt matter I shoulda just been able to pay 4 times the ct which would be $8,000.
The man’s logic is flawless.
day late and a dollar short
Speaking of Diamonds, I just picked up a 1.10 round today, H-I color SI1 in 5 a pennyweight gold setting if anyone wants a steal? $1,700, call any jewelry store, there price would be more then double guarenteed. All im gonna do is sell it to a jeweler in which hes gonna put it in his show case for $5-6k and hell get it lol…
haha so your basically offering a guaranteed money maker?
Im gaurenteeing a money SAVER for someone whos trying to take it to the next step with there girl lol… But ACTUALLY to be honest, YES, you could actually MAKE money with it.
Im a wholesaler and have absolutley no desire to retail diamonds, I buy them and sell them a day or two later for a $100-400 profit. Im happy with that.
same stone, mines probably actually better becuase 47th street (diamond district) where you can see this diamond is coming from always fucks people is going for $5,650
If someone ever needs a specific stone as well, I can always hook you guys up, just pm me.
id keep you in mind… but i have no desire to spend several thousand dollars on any bitches annnnny time soon
lol, well if you ever need any bling for your ear or something I can grab you something nice. I mainly just melt my gold which is 95% my business, but if you ever needed a nice chain or something I could help you out as well.
:rofl… I appreciate the offer, but I would look fuckin hilarious wearing diamonds or gold anything
lol, I hear ya, I buy $100k in gold a week, youd think I was bling’d up, I dont wear shit either, I got a little .40 diamond in 1 ear from before I was even in the business lol.
Sometimes I get in the mood, ill buy a rolex for my wrist, a big chain and a diamond for the ear and I end up selling it two days later lolol… To me its like wearing cash on your body, id rather have it in the bank lol.
haha yah… i hear that. 100k in gold a week is nuts though
Not really anymore, Gold is over $1,300 an ounce, it adds up quick.
let me get in on that