So I wanted to do a rebuild and my engine in my new 240 project has a blown headgasket - I drained the oil that was a chocolate-milk colour to figure that part out. I’m not looking to rebuild it with big power gains, just getting it back to square one is what I’m looking for
Here’s what I’m looking for:
-rebuild links
-aftermarket parts, OEM replacement parts suggestions
-rebuild knowledge
-etc etc
Step 1. Pull motor.
Step 2. Pull motor apart.
Step 3. Replace rod bearings piston rings and all gaskets.
Step 4. Put it back together.
Step 5. Put it in the car.
I’m guessing no it wouldnt be cheaper to pull it apart before hand. I think who ever you send it to would like to take it apart themselves so they can check out each piece as it comes apart and organize all the hardware their own way.
I havnt dealt with any engine shops myself, so I cannot reccomend one, but check out the vendors section and message those guys, all of which have a very good reputation.
Yeah you’re right, I think that’s what I’m going to have to do, maybe if I work some financial magic I can score an SR. One idea however since I am a novice (sidewayz240 you must be a psychic (sp?) to know that) was to pull the engine, take it apart, just to familiarize myself with the KA engine.
as draggone to he told me his engien guy will do for $400 and you supply the parts you could go high comp piston and then you could have a bit more power