EP3 civics

my buddy had a greddy turbo kit in one. ran like 14.7 or something slow like that.

(I cant believe this thread is staying civil, is this real life?)

haha, i love hondas, but the ep3 has to be one of the ugliest “si” cars that they ever made

I second the Honda Fit, My Aunt has one and it is really nice for being $15k new. I would also let her get that. Her mom has a mazda 6 wagon with premium package, it’s nice too. She likes both of those so I suppose I would let her get both of those as well.

I have to vote Fit or Cooper S over EP3.

well i only have like 7000 to work with. so no Minis. and no Rsx. but i also dont want something that everyone else has you know? not alot of ep3s around here. And NEWMAN what you mean by gross? haha

Buy a fit.

as long as you dont get the yellow/gold ones they really arent bad for the money

you can find them for around 5k if you look around (def not the ^^10k one up there) and can even get lucky and find one with a k20a2 swap or a k24 swap

ive always thought they were really ugly, but for the price and simple mods (lower, wheels) they look nice

slow is an understatement, but thats because they got ripped off with the cheap ass version of the k20 (k20a3), if you upgrade to the k20a2 or even tsx (k24a2) 220-230whp is very easy to get and will make it a much quicker car

Never liked them very much, personally. They look like a guppy.

Haven’'t really liked a Civic since the EG, come to think of it. The newest ones do a fair impression of a pissed-off hamster.

Mini all the way, their resale value is supoib

I mean they look so bad.

Same. Minis can be had for under $10k now…couple on cars.com now. Same for RSX-Ss.
Classic Mini > *** :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont think i can afford a fit

I think even the honda community considers this car to be a scab in the civic world. That body style didn’t stay around long for a reason: it’s ugly.

yea i know. i dont know. if you find any nice for sales. on minis or fits or civics under 9000 id love to see it.

dude seriously, if you want a nice honda that you will like for a long period of time, then buy a nice eg or ek…there are plenty of nice rustless eg’s and ek’s for 6 or 7 grand

But then you’ve just spent 6 or 7 grand on an economy car built over 10 years ago. 7 grand will get you a nice newer car. WRX will be funner and faster. Or at least look into a late 90’s early 00 integra if you want to stay honda/acura.

Wrd. EP3’s are like the ginger child of the honda community

thats great. i have red hair…

Lol well f you life bruh

the ep3 seems like a crappy knock off of an eh si, if you need the storage space for snowboarding or mountain biking its fine, but as a sports car of any type it just isn’t going to do it for ya. they do hold value pretty well though, and when dropped on nice wheels they are a lot sharper (as already stated)

yeah if your looking for a nice “sporty” car finding trunk space for your ski’s isnt a good reason to buy a car…as i talked to you earlier, there is always the roof rack option for when you need it during the winter months

lol @ buying a car for your skis.