Epic WTF???



OH MY GHEY! Has anyone else seen the blue Dakota near Cobleskill, with the airbrush yosemite sam, wile coyote and road runner, and every tacky addon that advance sells on it? I have to get a pic next time I see it. Not as bad as this, but still bad.

I don’t get the “WTF” about it… The truck is obviously bad to the bone, and he is getting her done.

He lives in Duanesburg and I used to see him all the time when I worked in Princetown.
He used to come into the gas station mini mart up there alot and stopped coming in there when it turned into a Paki Mart (older white people owned it before). He came in once and said thats the last fucking dollar you rag heads are getting from me or something like that.

Does anyone remember the dodge ram that had stickers on the rear tailgate claiming a viper motor and quad turbos or something of the sorts?

are you serious cossey, come on that thing is all painted and looks worse than my primer camaro :hug:rofl

Needs more vents, and skulls.

Oh and Naughty Cowgirl? Hmmm

Serious as cancer.

I really have to wonder if that thing whistles like a flute at highway speeds.

Sarcasm, meet z28lt1rocket, z28lt1rocket meet sarcasm…

now that you too have met, I am sure this won’t happen again

I vaguely remember a blue '90’s Ram that supposedly had a Viper motor but I never saw under the hood. No mention of turbos though.

yeee motherfuckin hawww

man, thats almost as bad as an accord with bass boat paint on it.

what the fuck…

hahaha, thats the first thing i thought of too! its prolly a loud as all hell whooosh as it goes by