Eric has a gargantuan autobody ability...

Was just looking to get an idea, messaged mike already. Thanks though, car looks good

You won’t get an accurate quote unless the car is looked at in person.

We’ll duhhhhhhhh

I realize, just lookin for a ballpark. If it is within 500-750 of what it actually comes out to be is a close enough quote for me.

It was a simple question and is taking up too much time/effort/explanation. Like i said, car looks good.

My secret identity is not so secret anymore.:rofl

^This. Talk to him the dude is good people. When Eric took off his hat to reveal a Mohawk I said to myself. “This is the type of guy I can get along with!”:lol

You wont be disappointed.

i remember zip tieing the front bumper of this car back together after it was blasted off of a snow bank by neither jim or jim.

Lol always good when your ma returns your car with pieces in the back seat lol

i remb this sitting in a field behind someones house. and getting pulled over in this for no good reason about 4 years ago.

O there was A LOT of reasons lol… Just none were your fault lol

i just got “eric” tattooed on my lower back.

pics of penis or it didn’t happen

When you google “Capital Region Customs” the CRC index page on here is the 2nd result, which looks like this

Personally, I would see immature stuff about penises and the ERIC is Legit thread and I would not go there. I’m sure most people do a bit of research before going to any place of business. Not bashing you at all, just giving my opinion to try to help CRC. I know you do good work but online reputation is huge and it only getting more important.

my point exactly ill take care of that

Finally someone gets it, thanks wheels.

Other thread is moderated and this title is being edited. JimP you know, that I know it was a joke and for lulz, no worries man your still my boy blue.

i remember assholes trying to run this and the gti off the road on 7 lol

This site sucks horse cock. Thread title changed and posts removed. Fuck this shit. Cunts.