yah, stop kissing my ass BRO
Whoa…old anger about lies and losin…This thread turned yet another stupid pointless corner.
Directed at a number of members (you know who you are)–>Now, I’m glad ya’ll know how to stop reading. You’re girlfriends or wives (if there is a girl willing to put up with your bullshit) would for sure say you’re the type of guy with selective hearing. Every one of you skipped over the “lol” in that statement. In no way, shape or form was that an insult. It was a joke. An attempt to keep things light hearted. Cliff got that, He even pointed out you have to know me to understand what I mean sometimes. But no. You cocksuckers would rather bench race and talk shit behind your keyboards instead of shaking my hand and having a face to face conversation about nothing important and cars. You’ve all had a number of opportunities, and only a FEW of you have accepted. That to me is a form of cowardice. If you cant meet me and have a conversation of joint interests then you’re just a punk bitch and I really dont need to know you.
^^Meeting me offer still stands for any of you who dont want me to think you’re “punk asses”
u used to work at AA in latham or wrong ern?
Ern, youve had the chance to talk to all of us in Lg a few times and never have tried to. Pretty sure most of us have womens as well.
I’m not pointing at Ern, but I never get how some people can be so antisocial at car meets. Some people have came/left on several occasions (more than these past LG meets) and I never knew they were there
yah really, I was just about to say this.
The dude parked alone, saw half of the shift crew parked together, shooting shit and didnt want anything to do with us. Now we are a bunch of cock suckers behind a computer that hide ourselves.
wtf, seriously?
Ern is an good guy, a little quite when he’s out of his element
He jumed on hudsonfalcon like he had the golden ticket hidden in his ass. Walked right by us 5 times talking about beating all these cars then back to his own. It was slowmarrow, travis, drew, johnny, eman, ladude, big red, and a few more. Not like were hard to miss and now were cock suckets cause WE did run up to him and grab his dick. I dont understand.
<<< Confused.
Is he paying u off or what??
I wish some of you came over and introduced yourselves to me, I only know a few guys on here but that’s why I go up there is to meet you all.
No offense, but in a situation like this, it’s your ‘job’ to come introduce yourself
None taken and you’re right. The first time I went up there i did walk around and talk to people but very few of them were on Shift. I think I talked to you briefly but i could’ve been wrong, I thought your Evo had the high wing?
I dont think his evo has any wing???
It has the OZ Rally wing
Yeah then that was you. I couldn’t talk long because Ern was apparently busy digging a golden ticket outta my ass.
Hudson and I had something to discuss then we just kept talking. Most of you foo’s werent even there yet. We even asked each other a NUMBER of times if either of us saw other shift members roll up and we couldn’t be sure. I didn’t know you were there Death till you mentioned about the civic kid with the bottle. Honest.
But I have no idea what you guys look like either. Or what most of you drive. Anyone can drive a hooked up v8. How was I supposed to know they belonged to shift or not? I talk to anyone and everyone who wants to talk cars. I know siveradoman, Jdaniels, Paul from synapse, the kid with the 500horse S4, hudsonfalcon, tdilogic, I spoke to turbotravis last week in LG about his car. I’m not foreign to you guys. You all know what I look like. Say hi.
Sorry but this seems like a double standard. You want us to come introduce ourselves but you’re exempt from doing so yourself? Really?
I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a dick, but anyway, most of the ‘normal crew’ know what each other like, and ‘we’ don’t know what the ‘new’ guys look like, or should have to go around asking random dudes if they are on the forum. If you see a large group of people together, come up and introduce yourself!!
The cool kids dont ask the forever alone kid to be friends. It works the other way.
Middle School 101.