ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

oo yah and loser fills winners gas tank and on all accounts the baseball bats stay home or I will dig your graves.

it would really suck to get walked by a shitty stock camaro LOL

Ill line up at the valley anyday. Or anywhere on the street 2.7 whenever youre ready.

User Murrdog9000 Holds the cash.

jeff la jeff… when thousands are on the line, you dont wanna be doing some bullshit “hey I think I beat you bro”

if I bring a Oar, and hang out the window rowing away, can you give me $100 of the 2k???

dont kid yourself. Monopoly money isn’t real

Yes. Can you do it in a 4 door, So you and big head pete can do it from each side window?

yah man. I have like 4 oar’s anyways.

thats funny because your a landscaper

done & done

ahh I see your catching onto my Humor :wink:

I’d rather do it legally but when i say race i don’t mean drag

haha that would be epic… does not beat Lance and Mike from synapses team rowing in the NSX though

and to clear shit up. IT WASN’T A REAL BAT lol it was one of those novelty 1ft bats

lmao , death would have the money for sure . Idk about this other character .

word… Nick camaro doesn’t fuck around when it comes to dragging

gonna get druggggg by a stock lousy camaro and a stock brick charger

Well, Now hes saying its not a drag race. what a pansy.

i never once even remotely hinted that it would be a drag. and im not racing for 2 thousand dollars, we both have better shit to buy with that money. but i will fill your tank if i lose

Lifes a drag race BRO. Quarter mile at a time and all that jazz.

so what kind of race are we talking? a 20 roll? 40?

You see my sig, You challenge me to a race. 2+2= you fail.