ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

Shift - you can’t just climb in the ring with Ali because you think you can box!

Ern - “he knows i can box”

Your rear doors look like mine did on my 08 STi after a winter of abuse and a summer of dirt road driving. Fuck factory paint.

You got outboxed by a heavyset gentleman throwing haymakers… dude looked like he was genuinely trying to hurt you, was this the case?

No… that guy throws down a lot harder than what he was doin…




the 1st one is better


Holy crap broseph keep your left hand up that guy was hitting you with overhand rights over and over. Honestly though you didnt go down which is somewhat of a victory in its own messed up way.

Best driver i have ever seen!!!

Yes they are overpriced but they have tons of colors. I have black with red lettering, they would look perfect on your car. Just please get something before you do any more dirt donuts lol.

Dude u posted that on a Public forum therefore its for the public to see so i figured id let everyone on here see what a fucking retard u are. I dont need a care to know i can drive better then you Cars are not really my style I drive pickups. Do i hate cars nope but a Truck is better suited for me… I truly wish a cop would of been driving by when u were doing them donuts in that gravel and nailed you with a shit load of tickets or if i was going by on the bike i would of called it in because that is stupid on ur part spitting all those stones into the road causing a Hazzard to others Stupid fucking retard that you are thinks that is cool.

Seriously u wanna throw a head comment dude seriously Grow up Those jokes went out a long ass time ago Grant it yes i have a large head but i really cant help this problem… The thing about the fighting shit and crap is when that happened you always said hey if u touch me ill call the cops on you and have you arrested and I dont need that shit for certain reasons
cuz u are a fucking douche like that…

You guys wanna know something funny I texted him tellin him he is an idiot fuckin up his car like that (after he has posted his Cell number on a Forume numerous times) and he got all pissed off and Sent a Text message to a Mutual friend of ours and was like Paul is sending me messages about my car and shit and he said he told me to piss off

im so glad i decided to look at this thread, ive been missing out.

I like these better LMAO

doin it wrong

Benny > Ern

Jeez this thread is turning into an epic shit show even more than I thought possible. I think it will peak when you wreck the car doing something dumb and get it on video and then try and pull some insurance fraud :rofl jk

ya know what , i cant tell people to stop bustin on ya when ya do this to yourself lol

I guess a last resort it you cant do donuts on pavement is on dirt…

needless to say, your vagina now has a fupa.

am i the only one who feels like in that video hes trying to turn it from a legit fight into: :shift