ErnGotti's '94 Honda Accord...Built & Rebuilt

No it just pisses me the FUCK OFF, when i waste most of my free time doing all this work and then the car is still sitting here bc of something stupid. Stupid being the only thing thats wrong with it is the timing tensioner. theres NO WAY you changed the oil on that car EVER. i still have the PILE of plastic that i cleaned out the oil pan. BTW, when you replaced the thermostat it was upside down. idk how it didnt over heat.

So thank you for wasting my time for something that could have been prevented. Im not blaming Jeremiah one bit, it all stems from you lieing. If you want to talk about it in a adult manor i have no problem wasting the 30 minutes it takes to get up there. As it is i was doing this swap for free, now bc the kid dosnt have money, im going to come up with money to get him a decent motor just so he can drive the damn car.

Your actions effects others, remember that.