Esential Speed BBQ

In Cambridge on 1727 Unit #1 Industrial Rd. this Saturday Essential Speed is holding a BBQ for the grand opening of his new expansion. Essential Speed is ran by a guy names Kevin (good guy) its more of a custom turbo shop, but he’s good for parts, labor etc. anything you really want, he’s importing front clips (sr) as well now.
He actually imported a full HKS race silvia (or 180sx) not sure what he said, and he’s selling it for 17k. not sure if it’ll be there on Saturday but for anyone interested just come on by there will be a lot of turbo cars, (not all the best cars) but it would be cool to have some 240sx there…
Ill be there :slight_smile:
time: noon (i think)

boycott this place, they owe, pete, aka titan 400$ and haven’t payed up yet.

he ordered a kat mani from them, they took like 3 moths to make it, botched it, and are giving him the run around about his money.

ouch shit that sucks…sorry to hear that, so far i havent had any bad experiance with them, but i can see why you guys would boycott this place :slight_smile:

we are off to see him today about the money, if he doesn’t give it up, we’ll call BBB. Really only thing he can do.

BTW, where you been all winter, dropped off the face of the earth it seems.


BBB is bull, they won’t do anything about it, IIRC they have allready been shut down due to some “legal” matters.

You can try filing a complaing with the MTO, there is a division that takes care of complaints with shops/ dealers.

On Topic:
Might be worth the drive, just to check things out.


Well it all settled up, the guy showed some trust and wrote another cheque.

It should be worth the drive Dre, supposed to be around 70 cars there. Free pop and stuff, should be a nice day if the weather stay sunny.

70 cars now!! wow last time he said 40 i guess the words getting around…nice…i painted my valve cover just in time :slight_smile:
btw…where was I…umm around…a month or so in Europe but ive been here daily, just checking in on everyone…but now that the season is in!! time to get back into things :slight_smile:

Come check it out…

I’ll be there …

Plus free food :smiley:

Anyone go??
i came late at like 1:30 and there was almost no one there, i heard at about 11am there were tons of cars lined up the street.
anything worth checking out, did i miss anything?

yeah i went,

it was a great day, lotta fun …i have huge sunburn too …and i won a whole bunch of stuff from the raffle…woo

we were there until 2ish then left.

too bad i didnt see u

how could you have not seen me if you were there till 2ish? i was there at like 1:30 maybe we just missed eachother…too bad
so a good day :slight_smile: damn…

where did u park ur car? I didnt see urs at all…

did u see my car at all?

i had mine parked across the street from ES on the grassy section

Well if you ahd your 240 then no i didnt see you…but yes there were 3 cars parked there when i came …yellow nx and 2 others
i seen no 240’s so im sure we just missed eachother

Yeah we missed eachother for sure…
