Ethics Poll: So I found a dollar today...

buy a audi

Walking out of a bills game I found a $20 and it went right in my pocket.

lol i love when this happens, i actually lost my whole entire wallet for a season in my coat once

pretty much how I think but I didnt have the words to explain it that way… at my job there are like 800 people and it was right by a stairway/door. even though it was only a dollar I still looked around a little for the person I saw last on the stairway…

cmon, pics or ban

ill post the pic tomorrow cuz im not at home.

loose cash, public? it’s mine, unless it’s a crazy amount of coin. in a wallet, identifiable, traceable or in a confined area (small party, work ect w/ppl i know) i’d find the owner to return it.

My work has cameras all over the fuckin place. One time I found 20 bucks, turned it in to the manager, they put it in an envelope with “found by george 11/13”, tossed it in the safe, and waited a week. Nobody claimed it so they gave it back. Lol pretty convenient cause i needed to fill up on gas that day too haha.

I found 2 $50 bills laying by the road next door to my mom’s house. On a whim I asked the neighbor who lived closest if they lost any money. She said her daughter lost her wallet, and they gave her $100 cash to hold her over, and she somehow managed to lose it. Glad it wasn’t windy. The girl left me a thank you card with $10 in it the next day- I was happier with that than the $100.

A few weeks ago some lady almost hit me in the gas station parking lot. When I started driving around her dumb ass, I spied what looked like $ on the ground. $5, score! That I kept, and I drove around the lot looking for more.

Basically, yeah. I mean if it’s blatantly obvious that it’s someone elses, or it’s specifically left somewhere. But to take Micah’s situation, if I found an envelope of 50k in a bathroom in a mall, or on a sidewalk. That is GONE, in my pocket, never existed. If it’s a wallet, I’ll do my best to return it as found.

Shit, my dad and I saw a $50 fall out of this fat lady’s back pocket at the mall once. HELLO PROFIT. We split it.

Shouldn’t have your money in your back pocket, idiot.

Maybe that makes me a scumbag, but whatever. Be responsible for your belongings!

Jokes on you, someone was probably playing poo dollar with you :mamoru::mamoru::mamoru:

If it’s found randomly keep it. If its 50k in an envelope, that is called my lucky day. However if I found a wallet or something I’d do my best to turn it back in, in the state I found it.

My wallet fell out of my pocket once at Advanced Auto, about the only time I ever had cash on me. The police called like 10 minutes later and said someone turned in a lost wallet, but the cash was long gone. Sucked.

my post got deleted…?

One time I was walking downtown with a group of people and a guy 10-15 feet ahead of us dropped his wallet. I picked it up and caught up to him to return it, and he gave me $15. I tried to tell him that he didn’t have to do that, but he insisted.

If I can find the owner, no matter how much it is, I’ll try to give it back. Hell, 2 days ago on campus a girl dropped a dime and I picked it up to give it to her lol.

A wallet is a totally different situation. I’d return a wallet.

I hate to say it…

I was a good samaritan today.

I ordered up some pizza logs and french fries from one of my fave pizza joints and the total came to 9.19

I gave the girl 10.25 and she gave me back 11.06.

I said you can keep the 10

Shes like…what?

I said you can keep the 10

She said…you paid with a 20 right?

I said no…a 10.

She looks in the drawer and the 10 was in the 20s pile.

She said thanks and I came home to enjoy my tasty treats.

Not only could I have gotten a free meal, but I could have profited a dollar.

found 30 bucks in the driveway once, but turns out it was from a drunk d-bag that shouldnt have been driving so I kept it, because he would have just bought more alcohol.

this. IDK if its $0.05 or $500.

I don’t consider that in the same category of finding money. I’ve had bank errors in my favor and I return that as well.