Ethics Poll: So I found a dollar today...

In 2nd grade I found $200 shoved in a seat crack on the school bus. turned it in and got it back a month later… $200 for a 2nd grader is like the lottery

so you’re above keeping a wallet, but not a $50 that you watched fall out of someone’s pocket? what happened to “Be responsible for your belongings!?”

you’re right, you might be a scumbag.

I would do the only fair thing, take it to a casino and try to double or triple what was found

found 13 bucks at average joes on the ground… PROFIT

well a wallet carries so much more than cash. license, credit cards, pictures, business cards, etc. i wouldn’t keep that shit. it’s so much harder to replace than money.

i lost my wallet @ kmart when i was a little kid (7 or 8) it had 48 dollars in it,which at the time was a huge amount of cash for me.guy turned it in,i got it back,they gave me his number and i gave him a VERY sincere courtesy feels good to know there are actually decent people out there.

if i saw someone drop the money i obv would give it back to them, but if i found $ on the ground i would def pocket it

i found $20 in big shotz once. it was the best part of my night :tup:

lol, i just noticed someone hijacked the last poll option.

i obviously need more experience in picking poll choices

any money i find on the ground i am keeping… it could be 1 penny on the ground or $50,000 in an envelope on the ground and i will be keeping it… people need to keep track of their money

+1, a few months ago I found a wallet with a guys whole life in it basically, and $100, I of course drove it to his house back, with the money still in it. I also found an envelope one time with a guy’s national fuel payment, and his statement, so we brought that back too.

I wish I could just fine some money with no strings attached, one situation which I would keep it. I’ve found a random dollar or two but nothing substantial.

100% true. I was 16 working at a little grocery store in Boston,NY
I was sweeping out behind the shopping carts at night, when I found a crisp $100 bill. There was NO ONE around, but i went in a turned it into our mini bank in the store… The next day, the guy came back in and picked it up. he cashed his pay check and must have dropped the 100 when he walked outside.
I would have left a 20 for the minimum wage making stock boy, who turned in $ he found that was more than his weekly paycheck.
But not this guy.

I honestly believe in karma, so I always do the “right” thing. Even though this left a bitter taste in my mouth.

OH, and let me inform you guys of what I used to do as a bored teenager.

Me and a few friends did this almost weekly. One of us would go into tops and take a shit, and mush some of it on a dollar bill. We’d then lay the dollar bill, shit down, and place it in the entrance of tops. We’d all sit in a car and watch as people pick it up, smell their hands and freak out.
One lady said she was calling the police, so we freaked out, but the realized how the conversation would go…

“hamburg police”
“yes i just picked up a dollar bill outside of tops with shit on it and…” click

so just beware.

I like you. However, the world does not owe you anything. You are not entitled to shit. Just because you did something good for someone (which might have made their month, week or day) doesn’t mean you should receive a monetary reward, just because you had a shitty job.

Didn’t say I was entitled to anything, but common courtesy would be to say thank you.

and p.s since when do 16 year olds have anything other than a “shitty job”

sounds like you got your karma there buddy. you used to shit on money and leave it for people to pick up, then you whine about karma and how that guy didn’t give you any money?

do you even think about what you say or do before doing it?

I found roughly $250 in FYE once. I returned it to the cashier and while doing so I noticed an African American individual who appeared that he may be receiving some sort of government funded compensation, for either lack of employment or lack of verifiable income. He clearly overhead/overlooked me returning the found money to the cashier. I shit you not, 5 seconds after she had said “thank you, hopefully we can find the owner”, this guy comes over with his hand reaching out. This slimy fuck probably can’t even comprehend what $250 looks like. Oh well, fuck it. I let him have it. Sucks to be poor.

:picard: god you suck.

I didn’t fucking whine, I said, a nice thing to do would leave a thank you. I could have just pocketed it.
god you suck.

yeah, I am the one who sucks.

it would have been a nice thing to do? like shitting on money and leaving it for people to find is a nice thing to do?

you are honestly one of the dumbest people on here.

Because you think it’s cool to jump on the “hate sedlmeier” bandwagon, when actually you just are a fucking douche, you try to bring up an argument with one of my posts and you even try to use strong language to persuade others into taking your side, but you can’t even do that, you failed at that.
So, that is why you fucking suck.

It all depends on the situation in which you accuired said money. I found money before at work and kept it becuase it was blowing across a parking lot, by the same token if I am somewhere where there are a lot of people around, I’ll ask iof anyone lost it, if nobody says anything…mine wooot. (depending on how much it is, if its at like a store or something and I find say for the sake of our given, $150, I’ll hand it in to customer service as I am not going to take someones grocery money, especially in these hard times.)