Ever get depressed over your s13 when comparing to other really fast cars?

Dude, so your opinion of porsche is based on you driving a boxster?

What I don’t get is why did you even buy an S13 if you seem to hate it so much, you should have just continued to save up money and bought yourself an exotic or something. And if you said you bought your 240 mainly for the performance aspect of the car. Why did you put so much money into getting it repainted, etc?

Or did you buy it because you watch a lot of hot version and option videos?

I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but you seem to be biased towards expensive cars. The 0-60 doesn’t make a car what it is. The exterior alone doesn’t make an exotic what it is.

You better learn dat.

All the talk here made me go check out the Lotus dealership on a way home from school. Those cars are so sexy. Too bad nobody came near me. Exotic car dealers can smell poverty and they are afraid it’s contagious. One cool thing though, is they didn’t come out to watch me. They just left me be to do my thing. Unfortunatly the Exige’s were locked. And boy do they make the Esprit’s look like ass haha.

oh and come on. We all know 240sx is an ugly car. Come on! Adam Sandler sings a song about it.

i might speak for a lot of people here when i say go tell hell if u think the 240 is ugly. i love every curve and shape of my car i dream about it when i go to bed and then get up and work on it even if nothing needs to be done ill play with some shit. if u dont like the look of a 240 you are a player hater.

but shit yeas the lotus is nice.

u should dream of your gf more not the 240… I don’t have a gf so I am allowed tho :stuck_out_tongue:

Your from barrie eh?

This thread is stupid. Swap in an LS1, put on coils, good tires and you’re immediately a match for most supercars. Except for maybe the: Enzo, CGT, Koenigsegg, Zonda and 1 or 2 more top echelon cars, Adam’s car can lay the beating on pretty much anything. Z06 Vettes very much included.

You’re probablly thinking about a hatchback :o

This Thred is Gay


yea this thread is so sad it makes me sick

stop feeling sorry for yourself and work hard to amount to something to have the kind of car you want

sitting on the internet and asking other people if htey want to slit wrists with you isnt going to get you a lotus or a porsche or a sandblasted painted and prepped race s13 from sg motorsport

I bet your S14 makes owners of “really fast cars” get depressed… :smiley:

its ok, the owners of those cars get back at me when i realize how much money they have and how hard its goign to be to become that successful.

i had a conversation wtih nick majors at the track (guy who drives the viper competition coupe)

he goes something along the lines of “everyone has their talents, i made a successful buisness and now im trying to catch you punk kids (me and malcolm) racing. Now all you have to do is grow that shop of yours”

im like god damn hes right. i can drive but that doesnt mean shit, teh real question is whether or not i can make it in the world

Then of course if you drive really well long enough you might get noticed…but yeah I guess you can never count on that kind of thing. Not much can compete with having a successful business as far as doing what you want to do.

Just keep the business & pleasure balance happy and you’ll do fine! :slight_smile:

Very well put and advise best taken.

why not just make your 240 out perform those so called other cars.

ya know it is just not the same a lot of the time.

I’m pretty depressed with my car right about now.

Mine is in peices but I am not depressed, I am just looking foward to it being complete in a few month.

Give you something to work towards

i could use some swiss cheese right now