I assume your looking for a new job too, so the probability of your income rising soon should be pretty good.
Yes, i am looking very hard for a job. Had a few opportunites, but I’m not going to jump on something just to get a job back. I would like to get into National Fuel, but I havn’t heard anything back yet. I put my resume/application in and never heard back. I have my fingers crossed, but who knows.
Hind sight is 20/20, so hopefully you can use this new found knowledge and help your situation. Sadly, it will probably end just as badly as a relationship with those same characteristics.
You now notice that you’re enabling the problem so you’ll try to help him. He’ll get aggressive towards your new found attitude and get even worse to try and counter-act your actions. The “We’ll just cancel the internet” sounds like exactly one of those over-reactions to receive just such a response. It’s illogical yet it’ll make you think twice… thus causing the problem to continue.
You either have to tell him to be his own man and treat this like a roommate situation, or find somewhere else to live. And, you have to stick to what you say… regardless of how ugly it gets. Trust me, it will suck for you when things change for him… and he’ll make sure to make you feel it.
Check out http://www.usajobs.gov while your’e at it.
That’s if he qualifies for the $405/week which is a joke in NYS. I made pretty decent money before I got laid off and I didn’t qualify for the $405, just $299.70 and an additional $22.50 per week which comes out to less than what I made before I got laid off. They compare your highest earning quarters and make a determination then, it’s a fucking joke.
Tell this sleazebag that you pay your share and you are by no means responsible for feeding, entertaining or providing for him. If he keeps using you, then find a place other than there immediately. This fucker sounds like he’d call the utility company and cancel it if you don’t let him play your xbox or use the pc.
unfortunately this will probably always happen, just not always extreme of circumstances
it happens with me at work, and its extremely annoying, however i cant quit because i would not even be close to making my pay i do now if i were to leave, so it sucks
maybe you can trick him into helping you around the house with cleaning etc if you agree to hang out with him for an hour or something lol. he just sounds like he hates his life and has nothing else to do other than find a friend, and you live there so he is trying to make you his.
you have to treat him like a dog. reward him if he behaves, “discipline” him when he doesnt, until you can actually move out
does the dude work? sorry if it has been stated. tell him your gone if he doesnt stop the BS. If he doesnt have the ends, losing that 250 a month will hurt him. But he could also start being a dick. GL man. I will never have any roommates for your same reasons. been there, done that and will never do it again.
Took me three months to hear back from National Fuel before I got hired there. They’re not the quickest bunch.
You could keep him your prisoner and accept money from gay hung males to screw his virgin butt hole.
Or you could move out.
Yes he does work. He works for his father and makes good money. I have always been the one to buy things and make our house what it is. My flatscreen is in the living, all my furniture, my speakers. My dad bought us a pool table for the basement.
I made the suggestion that we rent the 3rd room out just becuase i need someone else or im gonna go crazy. He cant drive, winters are slow for him and im unemployed at the moment. I guess we get annoyed with each other sometimes, but I never seem to piss him off.
well if you can’t exactly move out for whatever reason, then it’s probably best to make the best of the situation and resolve what you can. Some people just have invasive tendencies and while they think they’re just being friendly, they’re really annoying the crap out of you. Just talk to him. Maybe since he has no friends he just really looks up to you or something.
make him a plenty of fish. He has a house, you can find him a golddigger internet chick and get him out of your face :tup:
Question. How often is your GF there? Does she sleep there a lot? Does she shower there? If so, then you’re kind of taking advantage of him, though, too. So maybe it’s just evening out…
You can’t change people. Only way to fix it is to move in with people who don’t suck.
Rent the 3rd room to a vulgar and opinionated NYSpeeder.
Then “kick him out” after one week of belittling your roomie?
Not even close. My girl is here alot, but she doesnt shower here ever. She does her fair share of cleaning and putting up with his crap as well. She will even clean up after him because she cant stand the house being a mess.
I just forced him to go grocery shopping. I took him to Aldis and forced him to spend $20 on food. Told him to buy his own food, stop eating mine and get his shit together.
I had a similar situation, but one of my roommates had the apt. in his name, while the other roomie and i lived there and gave him the money.
It sucked. He was constantly making a mess and trashing the place, partying 24/7, i was trying too get a good nights sleep and save money as i had just started a nice new job that was very important too me. Three months went by and we end up getting evicted because retard was taking the rent money and spending it.
FWIW, If anybody remembers that flooding in the southtowns we had a while back, where the National Guard was called in, and they had that story on the front page where the guardsmen were talking too Gov. Patterson…
Yeah the short one was that stupid fuck of a roommate.
Long story short. Give him the boot and get a a new room mate. fuck him. Things will never change
Its his house though…hes good at paying the bills and making sure everything is paid on time.
to answer the thread title… yes.
How old a guy are you? Maybe you are moving away from the frat house life, and want to grow up a little.
I used to have my own apartment in a duplex with a friend of mine renting below and his family. That got old after like 6 months of kids running around, him and his old lady screaming at each-other, and other bullshit like that. I’m still friendly with him, just don’t want to live in the same building as someone else.
And this was separate apartments in a duplex, I couldn’t even imagine living with roommates.
I went from there to buying my own duplex, and having renters living above us. Now I’m pissed off again, and don’t want to live with anyone…
I’m 22 and he is 23. We partied pretty good when I moved in, but now we have slowed down mainly because of work and my girl.
I am def going to consider my own place when I get back on my feet, but until then i’m just going to have to deal with it.