Ever Hear a Chinese Guy Stutter?


Are you kidding me awful cause i am choosing not to vote.

Yes. I think that’s awful. You’re number one in apathy.

Ignorant as fuck.

Don’t mind me…please continue this discussion.

I guess I’m awful too. THEY’RE ALL THE SAME YOU GOOFS. Men are men, politics are politics, it’s all the same shit and it will never change.

Yeah maybe “your vote doesn’t count” when you go to the polls for president. It certainly matters in your town and the way that you and your few thousand neighbors choose the way that you want it to be.

My hypothesis on Yo Sketchy posting thought process:

  1. Find thread where there is semi intelligent post banter.
  2. Post up proving exactly how ridiculously useless and ignorant he is.
  3. ???
  4. Spend the rest of the thread defending himself. Usually relating to his tiny-ass, closed-in, tunnel visioned, complete lack of a global view life.

Seriously. Do you EVER start writing a post and proofread it and conclude that you’ll sound like a stupid ass? You are wholly entitled to use the back or cancel buttons. Please try to exercise that right, since it’s apparent you don’t promote any other rights that you have as an American.

Sorry if I’m singling you out in every post that I make, but it’s often painful for me to read the things you write. I really try to believe that you’re an okay guy, but you work so fucking hard at proving me wrong again and again.

On topic:
Big ups to Nunnelee for going to bat for his district. Upstate already said what I was thinking for the most part. Do people REALLY think that the president sits behind a calculator and sets fuel prices? Lol. Let’s all agree that reducing foreign dependency and increasing efficiency are the biggest keys to dictating our own fuel costs. But that should be painfully obvious. Get out, learn the stances, and VOTE for people who can enable US to control our own destiny.



I seem to remember paying $4 a gallon under Bush as well. I wonder if gas prices were dropping in mid-late '08 to try and get another Republican elected President…hmm…,,&Unit=US%20$/G

Seems to me that it was higher under Bush, and that doesn’t factor in inflation.

I’m glad there are others here that realize the bigger picture and that blaming one guy whoever it is for this is idiotic, when the entire institution is useless and is based on preserving it’s own selfish interests.

Saying Obama is causing gas prices is like saying Bush caused a global recession.

I love how congress always votes their own salary to increase, go figure :rofl

With that said, who was the crazy bitch candidate who promised gas being $1.50 is she’s elected? Let’s get her :lol

This discussion was SUPPOSED to be about Obamas appointee clearly on record as wanting gas prices higher so capitalist companies and government could focus on efficiency.

Does the president set prices …well, no, but if he allowed the Keystone pipeline from Canada, we would benefit from large amounts of oil that didnt come from the middle east of Venezuela. If the president would encourage and allow for drilling, off coast and in ANWAR, we would boost capacity, lower prices long term… and both these would ad significant amounts of jobs.

The issue I see in this thread is lack of understanding or just defensive comments.

So, as Iran turns down its export spigot, we will go back toward $5.

This is all simple politics, which is over the head of many Americans who just want to live life and stay out of politics.

Obama perhaps had to right idea or intention, or perhaps he was corrupt (even his advisors have questioned the rush to fund Solyndra), but the billions he gifted to green companies has yeilded very little and cost a whole lot.

don’t even bother dude lol seriously. You’re better off winning an argument about oil weights …

I am in the Steamfitter’s union. My coworkers would have benefitted greatly by building the Keystone pipeline. 5,000 pipeliners and fitters were needed to complete the project. I wrote letters to ALL of the New York representatives and senators. Only ONE wrote me back (Paul Tonko and he expressed legitimate concerns with the project but thanked me for the input) As much as I supported the project for the jobs, I don’t think the whole idea was going to do much for our oil prices. Once it gets refined, it will be sold on the global marketplace. If china wants to pay more for it well, pony up because you’ll have to match it or do better. The only thing the pipeline was for was jobs. Building the pipeline, maintaining it, and the added capacity at American refineries.

The point about Solyndra and green job/technology investment; I would like to see some statistics on the amount of money invested in “green” technology, VS the amount of money we POUR into subsidizing oil companies.

Me too. The entire system is in shambles, and is 100% out of the public’s control. Voting worked good when it was introduced and then got pushed to the useless side over time. Just like co-workers voting on where to go for lunch. The first few were fair and easy, then habit kicks in and your opinions dont matter, you either go where the group goes or eat alone.

That doesnt make sense at all. What is the “way that you want it to be” part mean?

Nobodys votes matter a lick of shit, why becasue we are not voting IN the people, we are picking one from the bunch and more or less winging it for a few years with them. infact the only way the citizens have a shot at “making your vote count” is NOT voting at all, 100% across the board. IE, everyone has enough of the BS and all agree the candidates are all worthless at that time. Like a hung jury. The system is so big, so flawed, so corrupt, you, me and that guy has less than a .00000000001 chance of actually making a noticeable difference in the country’s day to day life base off our vote for a president. I dont know a single person, I ever met in my life, that could make something happen that could positively effect me, my family, friends, neighbors, town, state, AND country that I can definitively say “Yep i vote for you”. The news and medias I would seek to shed the light of those people on me, cant even report on a simple car crash correctly at times. Their credibility is just as worthless as the people they are trying to get us to vote for.

I dont vote either.


Edit: When i can


It basically says that the republicans (fox news) said that the president doesn’t control the price of gas…unless it’s Obama. Watch the video, it shows them all saying the president has no control, but now 4 years later they’re all saying it’s his fault because that’s what they do. They forget what horseshit they spewed out in the first place because those people don’t talk with substance, they just say whatever moronic thing pops into their head and we get stuck with bullshit policy that ruins this country.

Canada is the number one country we import oil from. Not Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia or Venezuela.

well that’s faux news for ya. they’re as bad as msnbc.

We should all be aware of news bias by now, even if its 5 to 1. No doubt the news is more entertainment.

Decisions on stances should only be made when the best facts available are gathered. News channels dont have or choose not to report many facts.