Ever Hear a Chinese Guy Stutter?

Oh, and how about those gas prices.

How can Obama let this guy lead? Man



For the record, the price didn’t double under this administration.

Gasoline price spike has only just begun
Motorists should expect to pay upwards of $3.75 a gallon in the coming weeks as prices at the pump catch up with record crude, but relief may arrive by summer.


Edit: For the record I could care less for this administration or the next as either is a complete mess, just hate to see ignorance towards unchecked statements.

so full of BS Dr.Vlad

we have gone from under $2 to over $4

Oct. 16, 2008—Oil prices fall below $70 a barrel, which is less than half of its July peak. Signs of $1.99 a gallon gas brings celebration to the masses. Some consumers begin to talk about dragging out their gas guzzling SUV’s and Winnebago’s for the first time in months.

Nov. 3, 2008—U.S. Gas prices drop to $1.72 a gallon. Some gas stations even roll out a $.99 cent promotional deal. Treehuggers question whether the sudden drop is as good as most consumers seem to think it is.

Dec. 26, 2008—Gas prices tumble to $1.64 a gallon. Some areas seeing prices as low as $1.45 a gallon. Crude oil is just a little over $40 a barrel still.

Dec. 31, 2008—Crude oil prices plummet below $37 a barrel while the U.S. average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline falls to an amazing 5-year low of $1.61.

I mean, $1.61 to $4
That would be more than double, so your syntax, while meant differently, is technically correct

(thanks for imbedding, I tried)

Sounds like he bit off more than he could Chu.

So the recession fixed the climbing gas price.

By 2008, such pressures appeared to have an insignificant impact on oil prices given the onset of the global recession.[11] The recession caused demand for energy to shrink in late 2008, with oil prices falling from the July 2008 high of $147 to a December 2008 low of $32.[12] Oil prices stabilized by October 2009 and established a trading range between $60 and $80.[12]

Fuckit, lets plummet DOW to below 8000 points again and get the unemployment back up to go get gas back down. Which bubble you want to burst now?

Vlad, lets not mis-direct. Thats just a dishonest thing to do. You made a false claim. I fixed it for ya. Take your economic arguments to a thread all your own. Effin Shift. Gawd Dammit. Cant keep the trollers away… Wish I knew someone here to keep these threads clean.

Anyone know who runs this place?

: 0

And I’m the one trolling? :rofl

You made a comment about current administations choice in leadership in regards to gas prices. I made a comment saying previous admin had same prices before global recession hit.

Which claim is false? That gas prices were the same and higher before?

Nice try though.

God I hope Republicans get elected just so I can troll out of control when nothing changes. Then again they will simply blame previous administration :lol

Its easier to talk to Chu !

Did you say the following?

"For the record, the price didn’t double under this administration. "

Do you retract that statement?

Not looking for you to stutter, paddle or explain. Just asking a simple question…

And for the record, theres hardly a repub thats worth discussing…

Another brilliant political discussion

I hate everything about politics, I hate politics to the point im not even a registered voter. but i love to drive and gas prices hurt my wallet SOOO i thought this was funny.


I will say that under this administration, we have actually begun to EXPORT oil. That’s pretty crazy if you consider the fact that we used to use more than we made, etc.

I’m not having your argument on word picking so I’ll just play your game.

“we have gone from under $2 to over $4”

You are entirely correct.

Under the Bush administration.

Thank you for pointing that out.


And you are almost correct, the only republican worth discussing is being brushed off by the public as a senile old boring man.

Uhhh…you’re wrong Vlad. Sorry.

Obama became official president on 1/20/2009.


His administration started with gas below $2. Now it’s over $4.


See what you guys are also missing is that New York’s gas prices are higher than others because new york likes to tax the shit out of everything.

National Average for 87: 3.80

New york Average: 3.97 which is the 5th highest in the country is only a penny off being tied for 4th.

I will start off that yes I am ignorant as to how the price at the pump is durived… but everything you hear is $XXX a barrel… Pump prices are $XXX So lets stick to that.

$70 a barrel = $1.72-1.99
$40 a barrel = $1.64
$37 a barrel = $1.61

that doesnt add up at all.

$37 a barrel = $1.61, yet a jump of $33 up to $70 a barrel only made the pump price rise $0.38 a gal at the pump? Or $0.0115 a gal at the pump for every $1 rise per barrel.

Oil today is $109 a barrel. So that is $39 more a barrel than the $70 = $1.99 example in 2008. So by that statistic them pump price should be only $0.449 more a gal than it was back in 2008, or $2.43 a gal.

Sooooo where is the other $1.52 per gal increase coming from??? because by my calculations to get to the price per gal we are VS the price per gal / per barrel it was 4 years ago… oil should be $202 a barrel right now!

Sad thing is he’s getting re-elected, we’re fucked for another 4.

Republicans can’t get their shit straight.

Nothin but shit candidates from the rep party… so no surprise. Country is fuuuuucked

If anything shows how little control the government, (especially the president) has over gasoline prices; take a look at 2007-2008. Gas prices made a steady incline from around $2.00 to $4.00/gal in a 2 year period. That was all leading up to an election year where Obama slaughtered McCain.

If you believed Bush was behind that, then I suppose Obama is behind this.