Ever wonder what it's like to fall down a mountain?

Well it’s not pretty





Yeah… wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.

But from behind a computer :pop

idiot at 2:15 after HE came to a stop, why the hell would you run after the machine? Not much of a shot stopping a 800lb machine, in deep snow with lots of momentum rolling away.

Take it from me, sliding down out of control in a steep chute is deadly. Once he stopped, sliding, he was damn luck he didnt hit the rocks never chance it, get to the bottom safely, fuck the machine.

vid 2 OHHH MY.

Only watched vid one as of now but:

  1. Just let the fucking sled stop you’re lucky enough to be in one piece don’t fuck that up by getting rolled over!

  2. What kinda helmet cam is that its fucking bullet proof!

  3. I wanna ski that couloir!

And forvid two, you ALWAYS check your snowpack in a place like that. The reason he fell was due to unstable snow and not even realizing how unstable it was.