Skiing in Portland? Not what you think...


what the

was the guy in the first car unconscious or something, cuz after I slid sideways into a telephone pole, I wouldnt give it more gas to fly across the road onto the sidewalk, then give it MORE gas to slam into a wall…

Like woah!
Was that a really steep hill or what?
That ice must have been suuuper slippery.
Studded HAKKAS FTW. (Sorry, couldn’t resist:P )


I don’t think you realize how slippery a road can get after a good freezing rain storm followed up by a dusting of snow. Look at that van that was completely stopped then just started sliding down the hill sideways. You’re going to keep going until you’re off the hill, or wedge yourself into something immovable. Unless you have studded snows that is.

Not working for me.