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we need to e-mail PRP to get them to make a T-N-T night on tuesdays or thursdays so friday night aint so packed!!!

e-mail addy!!! ftedesco@pittsburghracewaypark.com

good idea jeff!!!chime in if u e-mailed them!!!


I called. Waiting for a return call.

Originally posted by 2002SilverWS-6
I called. Waiting for a return call.

sent :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: done :slight_smile:


Did mine yesterday


Done :slight_smile:

e-mail sent

Email sent .:smiley:



We need more people to email, the squeeky wheel gets the grease.:smiley:

sent, even though my car probably cant break into the 15’s

nope, friday is a little more convein it. if you guys had to deal with
the squirl hill tunnels traffic and monroeville traffic around 2-5 you see my point.
for us to get there in time we would have to leave around 2pm. so friday at 7pm is better

Originally posted by Quik
nope, friday is a little more convein it. if you guys had to deal with
the squirl hill tunnels traffic and monroeville traffic around 2-5 you see my point.
for us to get there in time we would have to leave around 2pm. so friday at 7pm is better

it is so everone else goes a nother day!!!SO WHEN WE’RE THE FRIDAY ITS NOT PACKED!!!:rolleyes: :doh:

Hi Michael
Hold that thought buddy, I’m still fighting for the extra night.
Stay tuned

an email sent to me by todesco from prp

I got an e-mail from Frank Tadesco today as well. He sounded pretty optimistic that another day was coming, either Tuesday or Wednesday.