everyone @ innovative, u ROCK

Mike, Justin, Jay u guys rock. i just picked up the evo now from innovative. yes thats right mike stayed this late at the shop just to finish/tune MY car. On top of that for the whole install of the cams/injectors/headstuds/headgasket, u guys gave me the most amazing price that u SHOULDNT have charged me in the first place. including all the free stuff that u threw in as well to get the car right. u guys are amazing, i never thought someone would do this just to finish up on a car. i thank u again! :tup::tup::tup::tup::tup:

on a side note, mike ill see u next weekend for another reflash for the :tspry:

This is why I will continue to buy from them across the country. :headbang:Just wish you guys were out here, I need a 100 octane tune.

agree 100%

these guys rock. best one stop shop in the area and their place is gonna be amazing when it is done. :tup: cant wait for the 4 wheel dyno!!

I would like to take a ride in this sometime for sure :tup:
:tup: to mike and everyone at innovative


Always treated me right. :tup:

yup mike and all the guys there are amazing, talk about customer service!! great work from everyone. :tup: x 29384792384 to innovative :smiley:

your welcome guys :slight_smile: thanks!

give me a call sometime, im free anytime today after 4 and all weekend

997-4959 :tup:

the guys at innovative rock! I gotta hand it to them myself considering all the late nights and the shit they’ve had to deal with on my WRX.

Glad you’re enjoying your evo.

I’m glad we could make it happen for you. I couldn’t do it without Justin and Jay. Thank you Justin for staying late to get the RX7 done last night as well.

With a little more boost and the special sauce the school bus is really going to move. :slight_smile:


Mike and Justin ROCKS…I don’t know about Jay though :lol: j/k . They will work with you and get things done at a great price. My 350Z were there couple times and they did a great job.


Thanks :slight_smile:

:tspry: :tspry:

hip hip horaaaayyyyyyy hip hip hoorrrayyyyyyyyyyy:headbang:

Can’t wait to see what the evo can do now.

i will call u in a few about that MBC, ill pick it up today after work. :tup:

i really cant wait for the retune on the giggly gas, i cant wait to see what the car will do on it

:tup: love those guys.

i miss the random times mike and justin would show up at my work ill probably stop in monday my dad wants more parts for his car