Everyone pray for Psi2High and SullyVR4!!

i hate to put this here, buti will its too good not to.

08silveradoman. sorry chief, but you arent worth my time, or gas 16.2… hang on, let me borrow my sisters 05 TL it might be a little more even.

http://shift518.gom-host.com/images/styles/silverblue/reputation/reputation_neg.gifEveryone pray for… 06-06-2009 12:40 PM08silveRADoman get your car done and lets race

LMAO. I got a call around 1am last night from Sean, he was so pissed and I couldnt stop laughing :rofl

I left some in return

UGHHHHH, Just got back to my house!

We went to hell and back my friends, hahaha
Def a long story and I don’t have time to type it out right now…

LOL, you pussy!!

So who’s got the sore ass- you or Sean? :tongue

Where do I begin? Should I start with taking a truck bought the previous day on its first maiden voyage some 600 miles from home or trying to trust a work truck that god only knows how it has been driven. Well I think we should have waited after the cross over pipe sprung a leak on the diesel but I figured what the hell the work truck looked to be in good condition and ran great…That lasted some 800 miles and an m3 on a trailer later. Incase you break down in Maryland do not expect any locals to stop and check if you are alive, they will not. How ever they will call he cops on you for not having hazards on at 1am in bum fuck Cumberland Md. As funny as Adam makes it out to be, it was funnier. Not wanting Sully to try and fondle me I choose to sleep in the m3. You may ask Sean, Wasnt the fixed position racetech seat uncomfortable? And to that I answer no. It holds you in firmly there for there is no sloucing so you wake up nice and limber with no sore neck or back from being slouched over on a bench seat in a single cab chevy pick up. As for Randy, god send from my stand point. The man trooped from 1030 at night to the middle of no where Maryland trying to find us in which he did around 7am. Once we had unloaded Tom’s truck we towed the broken truck on to the dual trailer and hooked Tom’s truck to the single car trailer and away we went. What a difference it was driving Tom’s work truck. It was a 2003 5.3 extended cab 4x4 1500 which towed way better then the 2000 chevy 2500 454 work truck. Go figure. It took us from about 7:45 till 2:50 to get back to Albany which includes stopping at a rest stop to clean up and replace a faulty clamp on Randy’s truck which took about 45 minutes of our time. All in hell it was a trip from hell and I was moments away from driving an m3 race car home with no plates from bumfuck Maryland. And Adam if you read this I plan on tripping you the next time we come encounter.Good day to all. Oh yea and Micare and Sully can both go to hell

:rofl Win

hahhaha awsome story …priceless

:rofl:rofl:rofl I definitely would have driven the M3 home.

especially if it was the middle of the night would of I done it…:shifty

UGH, I told sean we needed to stay in the town, but noooooo he must have been wearing his big boy shoes and said “we can make it, it’s a chevy. It’s only a spun bearing, these things will last a loooooong time like that”
haha, was he wrong…
I just kept saying “Seriously, what are the chances that 2 trucks break on this trip?! you got to be kidding me.” lol

I drove my Blazer for a week with a spun bearing and then it died and a half hour later I was able to start and drive it again. It sounded like a jackhammer.

Ha see sully eat a dick you non believer. If I didn’t have your fat crippled ass in the truck I would have made it

lol Awesome!

:sHa_dielaughing:BUMP! for such a group of fine automobilia between the to chevy trucks and cameos hot oldsmobile :ninja the dreaded spun bearing syndrome! :wierd

Well you kind of destroyed that shit box on purpose if I remember right.

No, just rev that thing to 7000 rpms 3 times daily for 4 months.:Idiots

Like it was really meant to take that abuse. Oldsmofail on your part.