Everyone remember the Malarchuk throat-skating? *Vid*

Heres the vid for those who’ve never seen it.
lol listen to mike robitaille

And a pic.

i remember seeing that pic

thats so messed up

and another thing that is messed up 2 people had heart attacks at the game when this happened :tdown:

damn firewall at the base… grrrr

Yeah that was a pretty scary moment

My aunt was there that night, I’m amazed that he lived but shit that was scary.

I remember that. Crazy stuff.

man. that is a fucking badass picture.

I remember that ish… was just a little kid back then :stuck_out_tongue:

i still remember the pic on the front page of the news the next morning. that shit was scary

^^ Yeah thats what I always pictured first when someone would mention it. That game wasnt televised was it?

wow i never seen this before, seeing how much blood there was i thought for sure he was dead

Ugh, I cant imagine what he was feeling at that exact moment in the picture. The dude is looking down seeing blood violently projecting from his throat…holy shit.

When it happened, it was reported that had medical personal been at the other end of the ice, he would of died.

Did anyone read the replies under the picture? Someone put that he was no Patrick Roy. What a shitty thing to put. The man almost died!!

i remember that, i was at the game with my dad. We were up in the nose bleed sections, i think it was orange back then, but i remember seeing the pool of blood about the size of a dinner table down on the ice.

I was at that game and was like

edit: i was sitting right under that camera. my neighbor was one of the doctors to rush out on the ice too.

I remember seeing that pic too in the paper

Ugg… that was terrible. He’s a lucky man for sure.