Evo= GTI

Isnt crucifiction spelled crucifixion? Honestly I have kinda forgotten who drives what in this thread…

HAHAHAHA so fuckin true!!!

Why dont we make a $$$ race out of this say $100? from a dig?

What is this thread about again?

Can we get a lock on this yet?
MODS? WHERE ARE THE MODS? oh yeah. They just give infractions to people for stupid shit.



hahaha well if thats the case I’ll run him from a roll when my car is back from the collision shop.

Obviously hit a soft spot there buddy … sorry we’ll wait a half an hour for you to show up next time if that’ll make you feel better and when the fuck did I say how you were going to race ? Obviously if you were a decent driver you’ll take him from a dig but I’ll throw money down on it he’ll own you from a roll. hey why not make it a 4 way race so I can see you “own us from a roll in your siq fast evo”… And seriously are you calling me a noob ? hahaha really now aparently that means if I don’t get over a certain amount of posts I know nothing about cars in general seeing as though more than half the info on here is word of mouth … I highly doubt you’ll be talking shit like this in person because your right I am a homo and if I see you still talking shit I’m just going to skull fuck the shit out of you.

serious though lets just get a date down.

well thats to bad, ill get in touch when mine is out of the “detailer”…

Ugh this thread has ghonnasyphahepatitis

:gay: yea i kinda figured you would want to either skull fuck me, play with my asshole or fondle my balls…and believe me, i talk shit in person just like i do online because frankly, i dont care and i have nothin to lose! and yeah we might as well get a race with you as well so you can see first hand whats gonna happen from a dig…and like i previously stated, i WILL NOT GO FROM A ROLL, the only reason i raced vandit from a roll was because hes a pretty cool dood and not a complete d-bag and we did a b.s run the one night and wanted to see the outcome on a real run…the one thing i agree with you on is setting up a date to run…next week sounds good, nice weather is finally gonna be here and we’ll have everyone back from the “shop” and ready to roll…

and crucifiction isnt spelled with an x…that i know of lol :gotme:

oh man :fail:

just a lil body work sweety :wink: Idk name a time and place we’ll be there. Its too bad you gotta be a pussy and be like ok I’ll run you from a dig or a roll now all of the sudden you only race from a dig hope you don’t wreck your ever slipping clutch. god why do you have to be such a pansey

man of few words.

he’s already pulled one… upgraded intake and intercooler not sure what else but it was a legit run once from a 20 and one from 45 the guys not on here so why bother posting it :sario:

ya im piccarding because youre fucking retarded.

you faggots going to be at southgate tomorrow night?

Seriously not even Dorothy’s magic slippers could save this thread.

DUDE! [SIZE=2]i honestly think you suffer from the same problem as c97x! go back and read all the fucking posts i made…i NEVER once said i was gonna race him from a roll…NOT ONCE! he wanted to say his car from a dig w/ an AWD car was gonna be a drivers race, we all call BS and now we’re here…YOU ARE A FUCK-ING RETARD! judging by your homo ass posts a ghey retard…c97x said he wont race me from a dig b/c he’ll lose, he’s smart, he knows the deal he’s semi off my hate list…you? i think your head is so far up youknowthis’ asshole while you tickle his prostate bc he drives a siiiiiiiiiiiqqqqqqq v-dub that you cant see whats right in front of you…oh and yea i do believe i’d be more of a “pansy” if i wanted to roll race and “spare my slipping clutch” because a dig race puts more stress on a clutch than a roll, fucking water head…oh, and FYI you’re lucky jam didnt lay into you and only gave you the :picard: fuckin bag


Every time I see one of these threads I hate myself for owning a Volkswagen thus even being remotely associated with these assholes.



P.S. Cory will have no issue with talkin shit to you in person and layin you the fuck out:retard:

I just wanna see a vid already who the fuck cares who wins, they are both very close to stock production cars… Wtf i’ll run the gti in my 1.8t a4 from a dig too lol