evo > shelby

we can run anytime u want
dont use excuses of not being able to drive
if you want to use that then you shouldn’t have ran me
and i didn’t back off
i shut down cuz i was already at over 100
no reason to race to 1000

and for everyone to know
i am planning on going to nyi on tuesday, not tomorrow but the following, aslong as the weather is nice

o yea wat up

we werent going 100 we were at about 80

I’ll go with you. Call or text me. If I’m not working I’d love to see what our cars can run.

iight will do

Well atleast you were being some what responsible:fail:

doesn’t matter i was ahead
and like i said
we can go again anytime u want
u let me know
and no more digs
cuz that was pointless

lol dude. we’ve all done irresponsible shit before. I decided after doing 130 down a normal street the other night that going fast isn’t for me anymore. Scared the ever loving fuck out of me when I thought about what I just did and what could have happened.

Truth, but i have never really street raced, with my nova, and my bike maybe messed around a bit, but after seeing that shit on transit the other night well…it makes ya think…Some times i think getting rid of my bike might be a good idea…but then again its soooo fun

Like everyone knows the video will tell all…
You shut down because you missed fourth gear, be honest.
Sam was prolly 3/4 through third and you knew since u blew the shift, he’d be passing you, which he did… in my mind if your racing and u decide to slow down, because your scarred someone is gonna start pulling you, you lose.

And im in no way a domestic fan but anyone who says that the shelby name isn’t going to benefit this car and sams investment is just a fool.

the gt is slow man what dont you get lol

ok he wasnt scared and wasnt about to blow by him by anymeans i will do the vid after i get outta the shower and prove all three races

they should deff run again from like a 20 and a 40 to see he did shut down at like 90 ish but had a decent lead


a shitty youtube is currently down to upload vids now ill do it tomorrow around 3ish

:2fingers: to youtube :tantrum: i want my video

in to see both parties hate on those stock clutches at lancaster.
careful mike
dont care 350


Take this shit to a track, get slips, /

this thread fucking sucks.

seemed better at the time of posting it
from there on it just went downhill